Street Fight - "The bike wars are over and the bikes won"

There's a new book (hardcover) out by the former head of the New York City Transportation Department on how she transformed New York into the biking city it is today.  Look up Streetsblog USA.

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Thanks for sharing. I'm not as familiar with the bike scene in New York, maybe it is better off than Chicago?

In Chicago, I feel like the first of a series of battles have been won but we have so much more ahead of us for bikes to be fully adopted as a legitimate form of transportation. I think the ultimate goal is to have a full-supported infrastructure (so that "What's this doing in the bike lane?" is no longer a daily necessity), cyclists accepted without animosity, and we'll all be a lot more safe because of it. I hope this happens in the next 5-10 years. I think it's possible but the war has just begun. 

To read the Bike Snob blog, New York sounds a lot like Chicago except bigger.


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