I was hanging out on the chainlink tonight and casually chatting with my dogs and thinking and I remembered this incident that happened last Fall.

I was walking my dogs before work. My dogs, though friendly, are very excitable and one of them has a little leash aggression. We were walking down Washtenaw when across the street someone else's dog started barking. I grabbed hard onto the aggressive dog's leash, and inexplicably, my relatively calm dog darted off, whipping his leash out of my slack, surprised hand. Out of the corner of my eye I see a full size van coming and before I could scream or even move, I hear someone yell "Stop!!" in a huge voice! The van screeches to a halt, and a cyclist appears from beside it. My dog takes off around the corner. My other dog and I start running after him and the cyclist starts pedaling. He (obviously) rounds the corner before I do and he caught my dog maybe 50 ft down the street sniffing a tree. When I thanked him, he said that all he could think of was making sure a dog didn't get hurt.

I've never seen this Awesome Cyclist before or since and though I thanked him, I don't think I thanked him profusely enough. What an awesome, stand up guy.

So I was wondering, does anyone else have stories of Awesome Cyclists? That you know or don't but admire just the same?

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Bump :)) Apparently I like to bump this thread about once a year....
That gap was nasty before they fixed it. I'm glad that you got help.

jen said:
4 years ago I was riding across the cortland bridge ( a route i used to take daily) they had recently replaced some of the grating but had left a 2 inch gap. I came flying a cross at night and my wheel caught the gap and I flipped. A nice cyclist behind me stopped traffic so I wouldnt get hit and stayed with me untill I was able to flag a cab down. Thank you random female cyclist!
Me too.

Julie Hochstadter said:
Bump :)) Apparently I like to bump this thread about once a year....
I guess I have a similar story. I didn't feel so great when it was all said and done but I did what I could at the time. I think it was last summer I was riding home with a friend around 1:30am. We passed a large SUV with the front ripped off pulled up on the curb. I saw that there was a lady sitting in the drivers seat and we stopped to check it out. I approached the drivers side and asked the driver if she was ok. I could see that her arm was servilely broken and I asked her to put her arm in her lap and not to move it and I would get help. I called 911 at this time she started to freak out. My friend was in front of the vehicle and I was talking to the operator when she turned on the ignition. I yelled at my friend who jumped out of the way just in time for her to hit the gas and drive forward. I started pleading with her to turn off the vehicle and help would be there shortly. She then hit the gas and pulled off through a busy intersection and up over a hill out of sight. The SUV was shooting sparks and dragging along which amazed me that it was able to go straight. I gave the operator the cross streets and direction of the vehicle and talked to an officer a few minutes later but never really found out what happened after the SUV pulled away. I did see wreckage about a half mile further up the road by a pole she had hit. She had driven from the initial accident before we met up with her.
I know it's not the uplifting type of thing this thread was going for. I just thought of this story while reading it and thought I would share my attempt at trying to lend a hand.


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