"With all the stolen bike posts lately (and no one thinking "I wonder if there's something under Useful Links for this."), I think it's well past time to make a sticky about the Stolen Bike Registry"

 - Tank-Ridin' Ryan


Well said Ryan.





Done and done.


And sticky too.



Cheers - Lee Diamond

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I noticed that bike on CL and thought it looked suspiciously cheap for being "only a year old" and I believe "slightly too big" or something like that. I definitely wondered if this had been pilfered. I hope he gets it back.

Duppie said:
Noticed this thread over at BF. Some potential ocal bike recovery action
I guess it is this bike
There are alot of bikes being posted on Chicago Craigslist right now by 'Donte' and 'Corey' on Chicago Northside. Each entry has a different reason for why they are selling 'their' bike. Back injury, bought a new bike, .... there's at least a dozen. Check for your bike!!!! (I haven't found mine yet...)
yeah - i saw that...thought it might be fake at first, but then saw all the postings by Donte and Corey.
Hope at least a few people find their bikes back....

H3N3 said:
Oh jeez . . .

pamela steiner said:
There are alot of bikes being posted on Chicago Craigslist right now by 'Donte' and 'Corey' on Chicago Northside. Each entry has a different reason for why they are selling 'their' bike. Back injury, bought a new bike, .... there's at least a dozen. Check for your bike!!!! (I haven't found mine yet...)
My decal-stripped, chrome Bianchi Pista (61cm frame, black fender over the backwheel, bullhorns w/ gold handlebar tape, selle italia gel flow saddle) was cut from a wrought iron fence this morning while I was at a job for a few hours in Wicker Park. I'm assuming it was stolen for the Aerospoke on the front: 25th anniversary, black to silver fade in the center. It's a pretty rare paint job, so if anyone sees the bike or the Aerospork on the streets or for sale on the internet, please let me know. It wasn't a special bike, but after riding it everyday for over a year it certainly became one. Feel free to contact me if you have any info: 312/501/1351

I've lived in Chicago for 3 days and my 'cross bike vanishes!

2008 Van Dessel Gin and Trombones

White Sante crank set, Sante rear deraileuor, brown Brooks leather bar tape, brown saddle, Campy left brake lever with black cables, Dura Ace right "brifter" w/ white shifter cable. White Vittoria tires on black Velocity rims laced to Dura Ace hubs. White Kore front canti brake and a Trillium "Big Squeeze" rear brake.

Can't go wrong with a spork, but an AEROspork - that must be the holy grail of cutlery.

Bummer that you won't be able to race around the velodrome unless you have another track bike.

Jared H. said:
My decal-stripped, chrome Bianchi Pista (61cm frame, black fender over the backwheel, bullhorns w/ gold handlebar tape, selle italia gel flow saddle) was cut from a wrought iron fence this morning while I was at a job for a few hours in Wicker Park. I'm assuming it was stolen for the Aerospoke on the front: 25th anniversary, black to silver fade in the center. It's a pretty rare paint job, so if anyone sees the bike or the Aerospork on the streets or for sale on the internet, please let me know. It wasn't a special bike, but after riding it everyday for over a year it certainly became one. Feel free to contact me if you have any info: 312/501/1351

Yes, I have other track bikes. I'd certainly like this one back though.  

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Can't go wrong with a spork, but an AEROspork - that must be the holy grail of cutlery. Bummer that you won't be able to race around the velodrome unless you have another track bike.

Jared H. said:
My decal-stripped, chrome Bianchi Pista (61cm frame, black fender over the backwheel, bullhorns w/ gold handlebar tape, selle italia gel flow saddle) was cut from a wrought iron fence this morning while I was at a job for a few hours in Wicker Park. I'm assuming it was stolen for the Aerospoke on the front: 25th anniversary, black to silver fade in the center. It's a pretty rare paint job, so if anyone sees the bike or the Aerospork on the streets or for sale on the internet, please let me know. It wasn't a special bike, but after riding it everyday for over a year it certainly became one. Feel free to contact me if you have any info: 312/501/1351

Today I was reading the latest Mode Shift online, which includes a nice write-up on our Chicago Stolen Bike Registry and related efforts.

The new info in this article is about a new bike registration program from Kryptonite. CSBR is listed as a partner in this effort. The registration program is free.

What will make it more effective is a scannable bike ID tag (available soon, presumably for a nominal price) and a downloadable smart phone app that will allow you to scan a tagged bike if you find it under suspicious circumstances and send that scan to the registry for comparison against their list of bikes reported stolen. If you see a tagged bike at Swap-o-rama, via a contact through Craigslist, etc., and the scan returns a STOLEN result, the app has a contact function for you to report the location, then they notify police and local partners.

I'll be curious to see how this approach works out, but I'm guessing it could boost recovery efforts significantly if enough bikes get tagged.
Don't know if this is the place to post?
My blue Spot MTB was stolen.

It was locked in against the wall in our parking space in our garage, hidden under a muslin tarp (same color as the walls so they blend in). The thief cut two cables (the beefiest ones made, but yeah, I know, shoulda been chains) and took one bike and the locks but left three other bikes unlocked behind. Any info, julie dot popper at gmail.
H3N3 said:
Well, considering how well the gloominess of the forum today reflects the gray day we had outside, I think some happy news is needed, and here it is:
The victim described in the previous post found a ride and made it out to Schaumburg and got his bike back. I'll link to the registry listing with complete details as soon as we get a tad more info from the victim (e.g. hoping to hear that he did not give the seller any $$.)

Hi Everyone,


I hope this is a good place to post this. We've come across an abandoned bicycle. It's pretty fancy and I cannot imagine the owner wanting to get rid of it like that. Kinda tricky making sure it gets back to the right owner, but hopefully this method works.


Craigslist link (please share to facebook and twitter): http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/2229676529.html


"We've discovered a potentially stolen bicycle that was abandoned. It is dark blue, with expensive components. Seems to be designed for freestyle fixed gear riding.

Here's the deal:

I've covered up areas that may or may not have a logo or company name, as well as special color and brand hubs. If you are the owner, send an e-mail with the brand of the bike frame, brand/color/description of the hubs, and brand/model of the rear rim. Again, this bike was found abandoned. If you were a previous owner of this bicycle do not hesitate to e-mail and let us know who you sold the bike to so that we may get in touch with them."


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