Greeting me as I came out the door this morning:

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Clark said:
Well it still looks like a gravel pit...hard to see any soil at all. Badly in need of humus....
Humus is so 1998. That flower bed needs بابا غنوج (baba ghanoush).
Gotta plant more eggplants if ya want baba ghanoush!

Tony Adams said:
Clark said:
Well it still looks like a gravel pit...hard to see any soil at all. Badly in need of humus....
Humus is so 1998. That flower bed needs بابا غنوج (baba ghanoush).
Mmmmmm...I want a magical baba ghanoush creating flower bed!

Tony Adams said:
Clark said:
Well it still looks like a gravel pit...hard to see any soil at all. Badly in need of humus....
Humus is so 1998. That flower bed needs بابا غنوج (baba ghanoush).
I really love where this thread is going.

Kellie said:
Mmmmmm...I want a magical baba ghanoush creating flower bed!

Tony Adams said:
Clark said:
Well it still looks like a gravel pit...hard to see any soil at all. Badly in need of humus....
Humus is so 1998. That flower bed needs بابا غنوج (baba ghanoush).
Gardenweb is a great resource, with forums on many different types of plants and gardening, from veggies to seed exchange, roses to bonsai. They have many knowledgeable users.

H3N3 said:
Howard said: ....Gardenweb is not much less useful, and it's free.

Clark said:
Well it still looks like a gravel pit...hard to see any soil at all. Badly in need of humus....
With the sunny weather forecast for next week, my wife and I plan to dig in the composting leaves and yard trimmings from last fall. Over here by the Lakefront, spring arrives more slowly. During the winter I discovered a gardening forum, and want to get some of the new bulbs and perennials they're discussing.
coyote paw prints on the DPRT south


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