Southport Biker Gets $800K Payout After Being ‘Doored’

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brb getting doored

Good for Bridgid!  The money will go a long way toward her medical care.  Can any of our Chainlink lawyers here take credit for this successful outcome?

I had nothing to do with the case, but I think I can easily say that Bridgid did get "get" 800K after liens are satisfied, attorneys costs and fees are paid, etc. I hope that what she does recover will help cover the original and ongoing medical costs.

Wow... this bit from the article (quoted below) surprised me. If those numbers are correct, that means a cyclist is doored in Chicago every 2.4 days!

"And it’s something that happens more often than most bikers realize. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Safety, 557 doorings were reported in Chicago from the beginning of 2009 through Sept. 7, 2012, WBEZ reports."

Setting a precedent like this will hopefully encourage people to check before opening and driving better


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