Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place but I am desperate....Already put on the Stolen Bike Registry. Watching craiglist, ebay and made multiple trips to Swap O Rama and Maxwell St Market. Missing Gazelle since Friday 2/18 from Morgan Street in Bridgeport. Keep an eye out. My dear friend and companion since I brought back from Amsterdam in 2004. Men's Gazelle Black 3 speed. Great condition. Oversized tires. Vintage late '80's. Rear rack. Soft chain and rear wheel covers. Disc brakes. Triple Gazelle bungees. Gold bell. Call Jay 773 480 7835

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What a beautiful bike. I hope you are reunited with her soon. Good luck!
Sorry to hear about your loss. I live on Morgan and would never lock a bike on this street, albeit I am sure it's just as likely to get stolen here than any other street in the city. My neighbor had her bike stolen here too. Anyway, I will keep a look out! I hope it is recovered!
Sorry to hear this.  I hope you're able to recover your bike.
Sorry about your Gazelle. Since it wasn't locked, you have to at least consider the possibility that it wasn't a professional theft and was simply a crime of opportunity or even a joy ride. While it is a fairly unique bike, and you would obviously have no difficulty identifying it, if someone just dumps it out in a field somewhere, a police report number and/or serial number would go a long way to maximizing the number of eyeballs out there.
Was the wheel lock employed? If the o-lock was engaged no one would have been able to ride off on it so it would have to be someone with a truck or Lou Ferrigno since the bike weighs 50lbs. What a nightmare for you. You are lucky in that it's an easily identifiable bike, though. Have you hit the Brideport/Pilsen/BOTY bike shops to see if anyone has tried to sell it there? I'd definitely drop your number off at a few shops if all other search options have been exhausted.

Lifting 50lbs takes a Lou Ferrigno?  


Damn, and those 25lb dumbells on my rack will never get used since it is impossible to lift 50lbs with one's bare hands.  Just how weak are people today?  Seriously?


Sorry to hear about your Gazelle.  Hopefully it'll show up -not many out there in this town.  Hopefully I won't get harassed by a well-meaning someone who thinks my Sports might your bike when I'm riding around town :(

I am so sorry to hear about the theft of your Gazelle.  I heard about the theft of Vince's Dutch bike this past weekend , and it just makes me mad. I put up a quick post on my blog about both of these thefts and re-posted the picture of you and your bike as well (with credit).  Have you heard anything on your bike by any chance? I would love to hear of another happy bike-theft ending like Julie's.
No, nothing yet.  Keeping an eye on Craigslist and have a friend at Swap O Rama that keeps watching.  Any help appreciated.  It sure would be easy to recognize.  I wonder if the person who got it realizes what it is or if they think it's just a big old clunker?

samantha said:
I am so sorry to hear about the theft of your Gazelle.  I heard about the theft of Vince's Dutch bike this past weekend , and it just makes me mad. I put up a quick post on my blog about both of these thefts and re-posted the picture of you and your bike as well (with credit).  Have you heard anything on your bike by any chance? I would love to hear of another happy bike-theft ending like Julie's.


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