Son Jason's Logan Sq. to Evanston Commute in 3 min. 49 sec.

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Now, that could use a soundtrack. A wicked time-lapse soundtrack.
very cool!
Wow! Way cool!!!!!
And how long did it actually take?
Very cool, indeed.

I kept expecting to see myself go by, though, because my morning commute is the reverse. That would have been weird.
great commute!
yes. soundtrack, maybe some narration or car horns.
kedzie is crazy. wish they'd make a kedzie bike lane where it's currently 2 lanes or 1.5 lanes. the kedzie corridor. not many cars there anyway.
your video also gives me an idea...i think i'll video my commute everyday. and if i ever get hit, i'll have a little black box of evidence. :)
Neat, many familiar spots! I use much of this route regularly.
You can get on the North Shore Channel Trail at Lawrence, before the bridge. There's a little turn around where cops hang out with the occasional ambulance.

Also, heading north on Kedzie to east on Pratt, north on California is a good route (the one I used to take everyday from my home in Evanston to Humbolt Park). You don't have to cross the channel at Devon (which stinks since the curb of the bridge is so high and sidewalk so narrow).
Pete said:
I can't wait for them to connect the trail at Lincoln/Peterson. (That is in the plans, right?) What a pain to have to be on such a good run and come to a stop.

The funds were allocated and the bridge was authorized - until Alderman Stone killed the whole thing.

Even after having meetings with him, nobody could quite figure out why he was opposed to building The Stone Bridge as we would have named it.

See pictures from 2005 at
It's The North Shore Channel Trail, man. Easy to get confused since the North Branch of the Chicago River is not far away ("North Branch Trail" follows the North branch of the Chicago River to the Skokie Lagoons/Botanic Garden).

The channel was dredged so that locks in Wilmette could be opened and allow water to push the sewage from the Chicago River through the Sanitary Ship canal towards the Mississippi.

h3 said:
Sounds like we mostly agree. Except the trail you refer to as the channel trail is actually called . . . "river trail" or something like that. Probably just a thinko . . .

El Duke said:
Neat, many familiar spots! I use much of this route regularly.
You can get on the North Shore Channel Trail at Lawrence, before the bridge. There's a little turn around where cops hang out with the occasional ambulance.

Also, heading north on Kedzie to east on Pratt, north on California is a good route (the one I used to take everyday from my home in Evanston to Humbolt Park). You don't have to cross the channel at Devon (which stinks since the curb of the bridge is so high and sidewalk so narrow).
45-50 min.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
And how long did it actually take?


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