I was very happy to get an email today from Mike at New City and saw that our bike tours made the best of feature. I am pretty geeked about it actually. Here is the link:


There is also a feature on Momentum's online version here more on the company as a whole:


Anyway, please excuse me tooting our own horn, but I thought I would share.

Cheers - Lee Diamond

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After all that effort, that's gotta feel good.
That's really awesome Lee, it's nice to see credit given for the people who are really doing something.
Thanks Don and Doug! Cheers - Lee
Just read the Momentum Planet article. Awesome write up! I'm really excited for you, and hope this helps your efforts. Well-deserved, imho.
Nice! Maybe next year you'll break 200...
Thanks Brian and Jared....200....seems doable I think. Cheers all and hopefully see you at the Uptown tour at the end of the month....cheers! - Lee
Congrats! I know I enjoyed my first ride and will make every one I can from now on. These kudos are well-deserved.


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