My Great Green Albatross is going to get sold! Someone's going to come look at it tomorrow (AFTER the Chainlink coffee social, of course!), and hopefully that'll be a done deal.

I've never loved driving, and only got a license at age 25. Since 2000, my car has a relatively wee 50K miles on it. But I am DONE with it. It's been towed 3X since may (due largely to it sitting all the time and people figuring it's abandoned), and I realize it's a possession I no longer need. Good riddance!!!

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congrats Jason- I hope to be soon following your footsteps (not your car tracks)!
The buyer's proxy (ex-boyfriend) showed up at 3 to check the car out, and seemed to really dig it. And apparently, this dude knows cars. So hopefully it'll be a done deal tomorrow....

And sorry to have wanged out on the CL coffee social. The wind ground my resolve down into thin, wimpy paste. I ran about 10 miles of errands, and at the end, I was kinda pooped.
Woohoo! SOLD!!!!
Good job,,,hope i can sell my road bike as fast so i can get my new bike!!
Bob said:
Good job,,,hope i can sell my road bike as fast so i can get my new bike!!

What kind of bike are you trying to sell bob?
Congrats! Let us know how the freedom feels.
I have a Litespeed Vortex team Lotto Adecco, dura ace 9, ti frame 6/4 which is the stronger and lighter ti I might add. Yes it's an older bike but a guy at my work is offering me $1200 for it,, so that should get me a nice down payment on my new dream steed which is a Litespeed Archon. I'm hopeing the guy at work will come through with this offer.

Bean said:
Bob said:
Good job,,,hope i can sell my road bike as fast so i can get my new bike!!

What kind of bike are you trying to sell bob?


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