The Inaugural Eat & Ride was missing quite a few of you folks! But Ryan and I tried to make a go of it, until my hands and feet succumbed to wetness and mean cold. So I can hardly fault anyone for bailing; it ain't a ton of fun to ride in freezing. pelting rain coupled with 30 mph wind gusts!

That being said, it's time for a E&R "re-do."

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Yeah, chalk that one up to bad weather. I'd like to go, next round.
yes i was hungry and the rain was not going to stop me, but a busted rim did. It was a rough week for my stable of bikes. I broke wheels on both.
Damn. Sorry to hear that jonathan. We'll be throwing something together before too long.

BTW, I broke a spoke on one of my old bikes last Thursday. By the time I limped it home, I was ready to tear the hell into my Thanksgiving repast!

jonathan said:
yes i was hungry and the rain was not going to stop me, but a busted rim did. It was a rough week for my stable of bikes. I broke wheels on both.


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