Surprised no one shared this one yet.   I know it's been talked about on numerous discussion threads here.

Smile, driver: You're on candid camera!

When bike and car collide, what ensues is often a lot of finger-pointing, but the facts are often elusive. So some local bikers are taking matters into their own hands.

Alex Wilson, executive director of community bicycle learning workshop West Town Bikes, who also serves on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's Bicycle Advisory Council, says bicyclists have started riding with helmet-mounted cameras from GoPro or mounting small recording devices or iPhones to their handlebars, with the intent of documenting bad behavior by cars.

George Chase, store manager of Kozy's Cyclery on North Milwaukee Avenue, says sales of GoPro cameras (which retail for between $200 and $400, depending on the model) have doubled since Mr. Emanuel announced his plans to bring the Divvy bike-share program and miles of bike lanes to the city. “Half of the GoPros we sell are for people to combat road rage,” Mr. Chase said. A GoPro spokesman did not respond to a request for comment, but the company has previously reported that sales of its bike-camera products have doubled over the past year.

Read whole Crains story here.

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Davo said:

Sorry for the slight derailment of the topic but i wish that motorists were more worried about themselves obeying the law than cyclists doing so.

I've got a handlebar camera. It caught this asshole this morning:

You're a Jaggoff from Adam Herstein on Vimeo.

Wow, I've never seen anything quite that blatant in town before.  He must have inadequacy issues dealing with all the rich people in that neck of the woods.

My favorite is when someone yelled out of their car window at me: "you're not a car!", to which I replied: "neither are you, you're a person!"

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

Way to keep your cool, Adam. Next time, on camera, try: I know you are, but what am I? Been gettin' 'em with that one since 3rd grade : ).

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I've got a handlebar camera. It caught this asshole this morning:



KayCee said:

Interesting.  Reminds me of this.  It seems everyone in Russia has a dash cam...


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