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Hey Everyone - Please share and be sure to RSVP here: 

We have a great evening planned for this Wed, May 27. Come out to enjoy a chill ride through Pilsen, music, food, beer, and a live bicycle & gear auction. We celebrate community bike shops in Chicago. 

Let's ride family... 


The Chainlink


We celebrate graduation and honor our children's achievements tomorrow, let's ride...

I'm sorry this got cancelled because I planned on coming out.  But I'm glad the notice was posted early enough before I began the long ride from the north side!

We ride bicycles in Humboldt Park this evening, touring public art & architecture. Let's ride...

Two Slow Roll Chicago rides for 2015 Chicago Bike Week...

Wed eve, June 17:

Fri morn, June 19:

Let's ride...

We ride tomorrow to celebrate our children! Please share and let's ride. This event will feature The Jesse White Tumblers and the Horace Mann Marching Mustangs. Also, we will have with us several performing artists from Donda’s House, including Mic Taylor, Lamar Creation, Matt Muse, and more. Our MC tomorrow is Chicago's own, Young Wayne. Thanks and let's go...

Tomorrow we will be raffling off 2 bikes and 2 tablets!!! And, we have lots of loaner bikes. Get there early, first come first serve. Registration begins at 10am and we ride at 12pm. Celebration in the park begins at 2pm. Please share and let's ride tomorrow, Sat, June 13...

Next up??? The 2015 Chicago Bike Week and two Slow Roll Chicago rides in partnership with Active Transportation Alliance & Chicago Cycling Club and many more community partners. Thanks to our sponsors REI & Kozy's Cyclery.

Learn more here:

RSVP here...

Wed eve, June 17:

Fri morn, June 19:

Oboi at the Celebration of Graduation on Saturday, 6/13/15

Some of the crowd there:

We ride tomorrow evening (Wed, June 17) for Chicago Bike Week with Active Transportation AllianceChicago Cycling Club, and many more community partners.

Please share and let's go...

We do it again on Friday morning (June 19), let's ride... 

Looking for volunteers to help at the upcoming LATE Ride ( this coming Sat night / Sun morn. We have FREE registrations for Slow Rollers who can volunteer at the ride. Message me or contact me at the info below in case you are interested. Let's ride... 



oboi (at) slowrollchicago (dot) org



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