How do people here feel about people riding skateboards in bike lanes (in the Loop in particular)? I bike commute 2 or 3 times a week, and the other days I skateboard to and from the train. Technically, I believe the City considers skateboards the same as bikes, as far as riding on the sidewalk (against the law if you are over 12). And some pedestrians dislike sharing the sidewalk with skateboards. I don't think I would object to skateboarders in bike lanes. But I'm interested in how other cyclists feel.



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Technically, the Municipal Code defines skateboards as toy vehicles that shall not be ridden upon any roadway, which presumably includes bike lanes.

Operationally, skateboards are usually too fast for safe sidewalk use and much better suited for use in the bike lane.


I would 1000x rather have a board in the bike lane than a moped, motorcycle, or roller blader.  As long as the person is aware of their surroundings and doesnt make any unexpected moves (as I would also hope from other cyclists) I have no issue with it. 

Agreed. I ride the LFP a lot and roller bladers require 3 lanes. Kind of ironic considering that roller blades themselves seem so innocuous.  What irritates me the most though are cars that decide the bike lane is a good place to park

That's really interesting.  Quite the opposite of what a Chicago Cop told me (no surprise there). Apparently skateboarding is illegal in the Loop altogether (except on private property, and we know how much those folks like skateboarders). I guess that just makes it all the more appealing. Ha!

BruceBikes said:

Technically, the Municipal Code defines skateboards as toy vehicles that shall not be ridden upon any roadway, which presumably includes bike lanes.

Operationally, skateboards are usually too fast for safe sidewalk use and much better suited for use in the bike lane.


What about Segways and people riding around in electric scooters?  I saw a chubby Sheriff's deputy riding one of those three wheel Segway knock-offs in the lanes on Dearborn before.  Haven't seen any CPD Segways this year but the tours have started up...

Better than bladers.

I'd much rather deal with them in the bike lane and passing (while giving them lots of room), than having them dart around me when I'm walking on the sidewalk. 

Everything is.

Will said:

Better than bladers.

Not crazy about skateboarders in bike lanes - too much weaving in and out and too much potential for accidents and falls

sounds like a complaint a car driver would make re bikes on streets.  Unless, of course, you're being ironic.

El Dorado said:

Skateboards have no business in the bike lane period. They go to slow & make too many dangerous moves.

Were Martyn's wheels still in true after that escapade?

Evan said:

If one of those pesky skateboards lands in front of you just do like this:

They're slower (obviously) than bikes or rollerbladers but as long as they "straight line" fine by me they don't have the back and forth kicking out of the legs like rollerbladers.

Hopefully they stop at all stop signs and red lights.


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