What's the craziest/biggest/heaviest thing you've carried via bike. How did you do it? Would you do it again? Discuss....

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Shit, what kind of bag is that?
No, no, there is no why. Nothing more will I teach you today. Clear your mind of questions.

Bart said:
Shit, what kind of bag is that?
my boyfriend and i split the weigh of an entire kitchen floor's worth of tiles from tile outlet on our backpacks on our bikes. i couldn't stop until i got home because i would have toppled over. i would never do that again....wow.

I now have a trailer...

This wasn't so heavy, just ackward! I sold this item (a giant fiberglass Mao) on eBay for $600 and somehow the winner lived only a mile from me. Saved a huge shipping headache!
i had my bag overflowing with beer and a 24" wheel dangling off the straps yesterday. i'm not typically used to such a load but it was good to see my bag is worth it's salt from time to time
Dubi Kaufmann said:
i found image image on flickr. I don't know who are the people in the photo but i know it was shot in Chicago.

This was a crazy weekend. That's Jeff Perkins, of Four Star Courier, hauling *Hurricane, former Chicago messenger now blazin trails in Denver proper. If I can remember correctly, the trip started at the Blue Frog and ended at Av aerie.
three cheers for the av aerie!

This was a crazy weekend. That's Jeff Perkins, of Four Star Courier, hauling *Hurricane, former Chicago messenger now blazin trails in Denver proper. If I can remember correctly, the trip started at the Blue Frog and ended at Av aerie.
A thanksgiving turkey to the Pacific Mission. (Bonded)
that subject line made me think that this was something else
bump! This is a fun one.
I believe I am reading the start of a new bike competition . . . kinda like tractor pullin'

I had a dream that I had a tandem with my two fat dogs on the back seat (30lbs and 55 lbs).
Yesterday we had our Biker's Picnic. I pulled a trailer with a six foot folding table, a cooler with 50 lbs of ice blocks, a rubbermaid container with 2 kites, 4 towels, a big wool blanket, balloons, hotdog buns...and an assortment of other stuff, plus 2 folding camp chairs, a stool and a smaller cooler with some more ice.

There was probably some other stuff in there as well. Very little on my actual rack.


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