The Chainlink

Self-Thinning of the Herd (Witnessing Dangerous/Stupid Behavior on the Road)

I'm sure everyone has witnessed people on the road (pedestrians, cyclists, motorists) doing stupid things that put their lives in danger. Any specific instances come to mind?

2 rules:

1. Specifics only - no 'running reds' or j-walking'. Details needed.
2. Only instances that put the perp in danger. No 'this car almost ran this cyclist over' but 'this car sped across the tracks as the gates were coming down' yes.


Calling them out not needed, but it makes for a better read.

Coming up Halsted around Irving, I pass a cyclist on her cell phone. I look back at her while passing. She blows through the red light at Broadway and Montrose, then she's back on her cell phone coming up to Leland. I look back at her again and this exchange takes place:

Her: Do you have a problem?
Me: Just don't want to see you get killed.
Her: Ok, don't watch.

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From the article:

“The story that’s told about Yale,” he says, “is you’re an intelligent person if you go to Yale. But I graduated and I didn’t know how to do anything useful. I could go make green pieces of paper with dead presidents on them, but I couldn’t do anything practical.”

Oh money, why must you be so impractical?

Duppie said:

Luckily this will soon be a thing of the past, as hipsters are ready to move on to the next hip thing

S said:

If this post on craiglist is at all accurate, then I don't know whether to admire the cyclist's skills in multitasking and riding or to condemn the recklessness of riding a bike while eating a bowl of cereal.

Me: brown hair, green shirt, tall-ish, office worker type You: red-ish/blond hair, white & red cruiser style bicycle mid-late 20's
Alright, I'm not looking for a hookup or anything, I just want to know your story! I were riding your bike north on State St., being tailed by buses and cabs and YOU WERE EATING A BOWL OF CEREAL!!! Riding one handed, eating your bowl of Wheaties, Raisin Bran, Total, Special K or (perhaps ironically) Quisp?

If you see this, young lady, you should know that 1.) I fear for your safety (wtf no helmet?) and 2.) I somewhat admire your gumption!

PS. Tell me the color of your cereal bowl
since when is farming "hip"? what in particular made this gentleman a "hipster"? man has been farming since the beginning of time. you eat everyday because someone farmed that food for you. to be honest, i think humanity would be a lot better off if we all got back to our roots. personally, i find his courage to go the route he did, and find happiness with it, inspirational.

Duppie said:

Luckily this will soon be a thing of the past, as hipsters are ready to move on to the next hip thing

there is a ubiquitous "love-hate" hypocrisy over "paper w/ dead presidents" among hipsters, street urchins, and even some upper-mobile hipsters.
any who, i think the missed point is that it would be better if people are more receptive to suggestions and not be so quick to rile up in defense. i don't mind being called a dumb-ass when i'm riding like a dumb-ass, let alone small constructive critiques.
be vocal when riding... and please save the herd.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
From the article:

“The story that’s told about Yale,” he says, “is you’re an intelligent person if you go to Yale. But I graduated and I didn’t know how to do anything useful. I could go make green pieces of paper with dead presidents on them, but I couldn’t do anything practical.”

Oh money, why must you be so impractical?

Duppie said:

Luckily this will soon be a thing of the past, as hipsters are ready to move on to the next hip thing

S said:

If this post on craiglist is at all accurate, then I don't know whether to admire the cyclist's skills in multitasking and riding or to condemn the recklessness of riding a bike while eating a bowl of cereal.

Me: brown hair, green shirt, tall-ish, office worker type You: red-ish/blond hair, white & red cruiser style bicycle mid-late 20's
Alright, I'm not looking for a hookup or anything, I just want to know your story! I were riding your bike north on State St., being tailed by buses and cabs and YOU WERE EATING A BOWL OF CEREAL!!! Riding one handed, eating your bowl of Wheaties, Raisin Bran, Total, Special K or (perhaps ironically) Quisp?

If you see this, young lady, you should know that 1.) I fear for your safety (wtf no helmet?) and 2.) I somewhat admire your gumption!

PS. Tell me the color of your cereal bowl
"he was just keeping an eye on her"

^THAT^ is sexist. I'm sure she can take care of her damn self, and he was being a nosy asshole by sending her disapproving stares.

Jessica said:
"he was just keeping an eye on her"

^THAT^ is sexist. I'm sure she can take care of her damn self, and he was being a nosy asshole by sending her disapproving stares.
I was more concerned that she'd run into me as I was passing her. (Ya, a totally selfish reason, and I'll gladly admit it)

And let's not forget that absolutely nothing would've come of this had she just ignored me. I would've gone on my way hoping she didn't get squished one day, and she would've continued with her phone conversation like no one was looking at her.

Jessica said:
"he was just keeping an eye on her"
^THAT^ is sexist. I'm sure she can take care of her damn self, and he was being a nosy asshole by sending her disapproving stares.
That was only sexist IF the reason he was keeping an eye on her was because she was a female. And it sounds more like he was keeping an eye on her because of her behaviors...not because of gender.

Jessica said:
"he was just keeping an eye on her"

^THAT^ is sexist. I'm sure she can take care of her damn self, and he was being a nosy asshole by sending her disapproving stares.
If someone checks out a man/woman because she is either looks attractive to the person checking her out or displays some sort of behavior that draws attention to him/her, than that is sexist ??? No NO NO, I think not, sexist is when "you look at another sex as inferior or less competent". Please look up the definition from more than one source, as that is an attempt to make Tank look bad. There is nothing wrong with "Checking someone out" and it is neither sexist, illegal or perverted. Saying something to someone who displays behavior that may draw attention also cannot fall a proper usage of this word. Keeping an eye conveys the meaning of attraction or protection. Please find a better more appropriate word.
Hows bout if I start humping her leg after telling her she rides like a moron? That would count more as harassment, right?

cutifly said:
If someone checks out a man/woman because she is either looks attractive to the person checking her out or displays some sort of behavior that draws attention to him/her, than that is sexist ??? No NO NO, I think not, sexist is when "you look at another sex as inferior or less competent". Please look up the definition from more than one source, as that is an attempt to make Tank look bad. There is nothing wrong with "Checking someone out" and it is neither sexist, illegal or perverted. Saying something to someone who displays behavior that may draw attention also cannot fall a proper usage of this word. Keeping an eye conveys the meaning of attraction or protection. Please find a better more appropriate word.
Here's one; people who think those little single LED Knog lights make them visible.

Go stand in front of a car with it's lights on; that's what you have to compete with to be seen in traffic; go buy real lights; they are not *that* expensive.
Looking once to 'keep an eye on'? Sure. Staying behind her to 'keep an eye on', maybe. But riding in front of her, and turning to glare at her is oh-so-safe, and totally subtle. You must have been mean mugging the piss out of her else she wouldn't have popped off to you. Mind your own business. That's my take.


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