Seeking feedback and input...

A cycling advocacy and community group is seeking input on where to consider installing between 1 and 5 public public fix-it stations for cyclist to use when they are not carrying tools.  The station would include hand tools and air pump for quick bike repairs and adjustments.

We are asking people to submit up to 5 locations in Chicago (intersections or addresses) where you think a public fix-it stations would be a good addition for cyclist.  Please add the locations to this thread.  Thank you in advance for sharing.

Here is an example of an existing fix-it station at Milwaukee/Kinze/Desplaines.

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Lincoln and Wells - common intersection for people coming in down Lincoln or Clark to the Loop via Wells or Clark. Not too far from LFT.


Who is this "cycling advocacy and community group"?

You should go check out the one at Paramount room in person. I've stopped to use it two different times and the tools were ripped off of it.

I love the idea, and I think the owner is great for putting it there, but when I had the chance to walk there or to a bike shop to fix a flat, I guess I was disappointed.


I would like to know who is placing them before I provide input or support.

Duppie said:


Who is this "cycling advocacy and community group"?

Logan square El stop would be a great community space for a Fix-it station.  There is also a lot of room at that NWish corner of Milwaukee and Kedzie

One at the DePaul Center downtown would be nice, but I think DePaul would need to put it in themselves.  Just by its location it would be pretty safe in a public place that already has cameras around.

Red Bike & Green

Duppie said:


Who is this "cycling advocacy and community group"?

Damen and Cuyler might be a good spot. Right by a CVS, Divvy Station, and near a 6 way crossing.

71st + south shore at the end of the path or by La Rabida. 


David 4.0 said:

Red Bike & Green

Duppie said:


Who is this "cycling advocacy and community group"?

Somewhere on Drexel! 

The Lakefront Trail at Belmont, Fullerton or North Avenue.


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