Searching for specialized bike delivery services (in addition to sex toys and sandwich delivery) to include in a magazine piece. Help!

I'm a freelance writer and I'd like to write a feature story compiling different items and services you can have delivered by bike in and around Chicago. I know that Potbelly delivers by bike, and I've got the Kinky Llama on my list, but would love to hear about others. I'd like to include services that are more specialized than the standard bicycle messenger option, and thought that this would be a great place for expert input. Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks!

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I read that the store "Connect," has things delivered by messenger. They are on Division or Chicago I think. They are a green boutique.
Timeout Chicago and Momentum Magazine are delivered by bike.
Is Kinky Llama based near Chicago and Ashland? I think I bought a bike from that guy.
Unless bicycle sex toy delivery services are popping up left and right . . .
A guy I used to buy pot from delivered on bike. He moved out of town but if you ask around you should be able to find someone who does the same.
I clean windows (mostly), ladder and all from the tallbike. Will only do a piece if my name is included in it. Thanks.....
I think there are a couple of women in the Logan Square area who do landscaping and gardening by bike. Don't remember their name though-- Petal Power? Pedal People? Something like that.
helps actually know and maybe also to look that info up before the friendly plug.

heather said:
I think there are a couple of women in the Logan Square area who do landscaping and gardening by bike. Don't remember their name though-- Petal Power? Pedal People? Something like that.
I'm in the process of starting a bike based delivery service for a pet store.

I have a dog care business whereby my bike is my mode of transportation from client to client.
Great suggestions, thanks everyone! Please keep them coming. Cutifly, definitely want to know more about your windowcleaning, and yes, of course, I would use your name. Send me a message when you have a second with website info, etc. Not Nathan, would also love to learn more, I will contact you.
Cassie Green of the Green Grocer told me they were delivering by bike, and were planning to buy a trailer or two from West Town to do larger deliveries.... Also, Half Acre Beer has been exploring keg/growler delivery by bike.
Also Living Room Realty shows houses by bike:

And T.C. O'Rourke is the guy who delivers Momentum, and he used to be the delivery coordinator for Time Out's bike deliveries.

And Chicago's Bike Paramedics deliver oxygen and defibrillator service year-round ;) - 773-343-4500 -thnx

Kate said:
Great suggestions, thanks everyone! Please keep them coming. Cutifly, definitely want to know more about your windowcleaning, and yes, of course, I would use your name. Send me a message when you have a second with website info, etc. Not Nathan, would also love to learn more, I will contact you.
i work at a tropical greenhouse and occasionally when i need to fill in for a horticultural technician (plant water-er/dead leaf picker) i do it by bike


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