Today can't go by fast enough....I don't care if it's raining tomorrow, if it's going to be forty degrees, I'm out there!!

I suggest we come up with a secret Chainlink wave to other cyclists on the road? Like a 'hook'em horns' or something. Middle finger? Pinky finger?

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"Hook 'em horns?" You have an Austin connection? ;-)

I'm totally with you BTW. I'm convinced that another day has been added to the work week, and I'm totally NOT in to being here and just want to head out into the "warmth."

Is it supposed to be raining tomorrow? I see that wind (go figure!) is in the forecast, but I didn't know about rain. Maybe with all that snow melting and all...
It will be messy, but warm - and air on my face that felt good, not painful, was soooooo nice this morning. Tomorrow will be great.

I've been assuming that anyone I pass on the lfp at this time of year is a chainlinker, but I'd love some wave for confirmation. I just checked a ASL dictionary for cyclist, bike, chain link - all pretty good except they're two handed signs..maybe we could reinterpret one into a secret wave.
I'm pretty sure Andy Avalos said there would be rain tomorrow, but the forecast says 10% chance.

I like what is apparently called the Shaka sign over the horns

If I flash this, will the el Rukns come after me?? =:0

I prefer the top one as it is favored by my "home team."
OK, I'm just going to admit to total "squaredom", "which" "home team" are "you guys" talking about?

In any case I'm sure personal injury will probably result in me throwing up any kind of hand gesture
I'm amused by the idea of having a two-handed, chainlink gangsign, and that causing a fellow chainlinker to fly into the lake.
OK, so not so good with the talking sense making, but you knew what I meant.
My boss is member #1,010 or something. Can we leave and get on our bikes already Boss?
h3 said:
GabeW said:
OK, I'm just going to admit to total "squaredom", "which" "home team" are "you guys" talking about?
In any case I'm sure personal injury will probably result in me throwing up any kind of hand gesture

I wonder how many cyclists know whether they're rolling up the correct pants leg for their neighborhood?

Which is why I use those leg cuffs or wear shorts instead of rolling up my pants legs. ;-)

that ride home was heavenly. right up until the time when asshat dark grey honda accord driver tried to clip me twice!!!


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