Anyone get anything cool and bike-related for birthday, wedding, or the holidays (Christmas, Hannukah, Eid, Festivas, or any other recent holiday)?

Santa time is bike (gear) time... woot!

I got a Garmin cadence sensor. I couldn't be more excited. :-)

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Yeah bike socks!!!

My wife gave me a CTR Balaclava and this inspiration sign for our bike repair shop, LiNiTo Cycle.


I've had one of these for 10 years. It paid for itself the very first time I used it! Enjoy!
Christine (5.0) said:

I got this as a Christmas gift to myself (from a LBS that I saw advertised on The Chainlink).  I haven't installed it.  Can't wait to scare the shit out of the motherfuckers walk/stand in protected bike lanes.


Outdoor Research Meteor Mitts!

1 pair Darn Tough PLUS 3 pairs of Smartwool socks, and a helmet-mounted rear/red light!

Couple new tires and another layer for those 5 degree rides home.

I got bike socks too.  I can't wait to ride with them on. ( Yes, they actually have capes )

I got this as a Christmas gift to myself. Mine is not new and shiney like this picture, but it is good shape. Yasmeen, you will recognize it. 


not as cool as the batman socks martin, but that is a nice ride....

Pearl Izumi lobster mits for my frozen hands.  Brrrrr.....

My stepdaughters got me those bookmark/paperclips! And the bicycle mug shown in Julie's photo above, along with some bike notecards, a bike notebook, and a mini-notebook.

Mom and Dad got me TWO PACKS of Hot Hands hand warmers.

So much thoughtfulness and acceptance of my biking ways! These are the true gifts!

David Barish said:

Sometimes the simplest and least expensive gift tells a cycling friend you know who they are.  A friend got me this for my birthday and I was touched.  It was not from this retailer but its the same product.,

These are my new book marks.

I got a late-addition gift (thank you SIL!) of one of those honkin' boxes of 40 Little Hotties™ hand warmers! So if you see me on the road this winter and you need a pair, I'll surely be packin'.


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