I'm from out of town, spending the summer in Lincoln Square. I was looking to do a 70-80 mile training ride tomorrow. Can anyone suggest a good route? I had thought of just riding up Sheridan as long as possible, but not sure what the road & traffic are like. Thanks to any suggestions.

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Where's Michael A?

Not being too snarky, but this guy does a lot of riding and often posts his garmin results:

I did a round trip to the botanic gardens and back via the trail that goes through Calwell woods/ North branch and it was 52 miles. If you were to take the trail that goes up towards Zion, or Sheridan (Ive never biked that far up Sheridan), and shoot over to the North branch trail using Dundee Rd it would probably be close to what you are looking for.

Hope this helps.
if your looking for a training ride, I would recommend the XXX ride, or one of the other rides listed here

If your looking to just get in a nice solo ride the botanical garden trip will clock in just under 50 and you can easily add to it from the north end.

This is the route from a sunday turin ride
you can find lots of smaller groups along that route and adding 20 more miles should not be too hard. This was a CCC ride with a nice route heading more southwest
Have a fun ride tomorrow
*corrects the spelling of Michael's last name in his phone*

Up Sheridan to Tower Road, Tower over to the North Branch Trail and south on the trail is a good ride.

From Lincoln Square, I'd recommend:

Damen north to where it bends into Bryn Mawr
North on Ravenswood (just under the train tracks, make a left)
Ravenswood to Granville (check the linked map for the split at Peterson)
East on Granville to Clark
North on Clark to Howard
West on Howard to Custer
North on Custer to Main
West on Main to Sherman (1 block)
North on Sherman to Central (little jog east at Crain St)
West on Central to Ridge
North on Ridge which becomes Sheridan

you'll be on Sheridan for a ways

West at Tower Road to North Branch access point

Chicago Bike Map so you can make sense of my ramblings

North Branch Trail both south and north sections
here is a link to a ride I did up to Skokie 2 weeks ago. Map here. I'll also attaching it as a pdf to this post as well.

On a weekend, you'll see at least a hundred other roadies on this route.
Thank you everyone for your very helpful suggestions. I cobbled together a route up to 137 & a little beyond based on various suggestions. A lovely day for a ride! Now I have another question, but will start another discussion for it.


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