next home game is the 9th..its a saturday. starts @ 7:30 tailgate starts @ 4:30...i belive im off work so i can leave early.

the trip took me less then 2 hours from the southloop wholefoods.

tickets are still only 9 dollars for the two remaining home games...pretty sweet deal.

let me know if u wanna ride. its a great time.

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And for the pics that's Mark...And i was a hungover asshole this morning. ;-)
As the senior member of this quartet I can say that the whole adventure was quite mad. Cycling at night after bedtime, drinking and riding, really.

When is the next game again?

an unfortnate front side wobble caused me to swerve towards a car, i stuck my hand out to keep from hitting it. My thumb got caught behind the mirror as i kept going forward. Now i got monkey thumbs with limited opposable mobility. Damn SoCo

joe said:
yeah. pretty easy route. tracks do suck. and we took narragansett to 64th st. puts us @ harlem just north of the park. pretty much 1/4 of a mile on harlem...and that road does suck...but its unavoidable.

errr what happend to your thumb?
haha yeah..mad indeed. next game is the 31st. another 9$ game and ill have money once again...WooT!

sounds like your thumb is in ruff shape! ive had a similar accident happen to mine...cept mine was stuck in someones eye socket! haha.

Mark Trulock said:
As the senior member of this quartet I can say that the whole adventure was quite mad. Cycling at night after bedtime, drinking and riding, really.

When is the next game again?

thanks.... have you guys thought about taking cicero south to 71st... then going right on 71st straight to the stadium? it goes right through midway airport traffic hell, but it might work better than dealing with that harlem bridge...

Gabe said:

One more of Matt. :-)
For the other Joe...We started from the Whole Foods at Roosevelt and Canal. Rode canal to Archer, Archer ( where i got a stupid flat crossing train tracks) to Narragansett. Narragansett to 60 somethin'. 60 somethin to Harlem. Harlem to the park. Not a bad ride at all but the tracks you cross are all bad. Two weeks is a day game! Come on peeps represent!

And Eric...Sorry about your thumb man. ;-(
willow naeco said:
Saturday, May 30, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Join the Chicago Fire as they host a blood and bone marrow drive in the locker room at TOYOTA PARK. The first 100 donors to register are eligible to get exclusive behind- the-scenes access to watch the team practice followed by an autograph session with CJ Brown, Justin Mapp, Logan Pause and Bakary Soumare.

Don't forget to use the Critical Mass Group Number - CM99 - when you donate blood, platelets, or bone marrow!
The rain is depressing me so I bought my ticket for the next game. This game is against our hated rivals FC Dallas, locally referred to as F*CK Dallas. The two supporters groups really don't like each other, something to look forward to.

See youse guys soon.

Sorry about the thumb Eric, but I can't see how a wee lil nip of Soco did it. :-) I will have more on the 31st so you can build a tolerance. ;-) Good call on buyin tix Mark. Can't wait to F&ck Dallas! ;-)

I drive Cicero all the time, and wouldn't wish that on anyone. I'm a hater of anything hilly and i can suffer the couple we ride over for a lil bit of extra safety.

iggi said:
an unfortnate front side wobble caused me to swerve towards a car, i stuck my hand out to keep from hitting it. My thumb got caught behind the mirror as i kept going forward. Now i got monkey thumbs with limited opposable mobility. Damn SoCo
joe said:
yeah. pretty easy route. tracks do suck. and we took narragansett to 64th st. puts us @ harlem just north of the park. pretty much 1/4 of a mile on harlem...and that road does suck...but its unavoidable.

errr what happend to your thumb?


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