From Todd Scott's blog, Amtrak will be beginning roll-on service for bikes on its lines to Detroit, Grand Rapids and Lansing:


Goody! I'll still drive most of the time for the flexibility it gives me, but it does remove an impediment for many people.



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Hi David, just posted this link to the Windy City Cycling Club's FB page.  Any updates?

David said:

I am a little confused why you are sending the petition to Amtrak. You should be talking to the Michigan department of trans reps. Amtrak signs yearly contracts with the state to provide state service. Currently in Illinois they have it written in the contract to allow bicycles. You should approach MDOT about them adding this into there contract with Amtrak. Amtrak is not going to offer a service the state is not asking for or willing to pay for.

Don't you think that Amtrak will pass this information along to MDOT if they get a petition with thousands of signatures asking for roll on/roll off bike accommodation?  True, the petition doesn't address MDOT directly, but word gets through I'd think.

jen said:

I am a little confused why you are sending the petition to Amtrak. You should be talking to the Michigan department of trans reps. Amtrak signs yearly contracts with the state to provide state service. Currently in Illinois they have it written in the contract to allow bicycles. You should approach MDOT about them adding this into there contract with Amtrak. Amtrak is not going to offer a service the state is not asking for or willing to pay for.

Have you looked at the petition? It's sponsored by the League of Michigan Cyclists.

Hi Rad,

No new info from me. I ran into Todd over the weekend but didn't ask him if he knew anything new about this since it wasn't on my mind.


Radfahrer said:

Hi David, just posted this link to the Windy City Cycling Club's FB page.  Any updates?

David said:

I asked Todd about this this morning, and he told me this seems to be the most recent news on it:

(go to the last graf, where there is mention of this and the MLive article.)

It seems that Amtrak's contracts with MDOT do, indeed, require roll-on service on two lines, but in practice this has obviously not been enforced and so it has dragged out. It does seem that MDOT does not understand the demand for it.


jen said:

I am a little confused why you are sending the petition to Amtrak. You should be talking to the Michigan department of trans reps. Amtrak signs yearly contracts with the state to provide state service. Currently in Illinois they have it written in the contract to allow bicycles. You should approach MDOT about them adding this into there contract with Amtrak. Amtrak is not going to offer a service the state is not asking for or willing to pay for.

Here's some more news that, if rather long-term, is at least sort of encouraging:

This won't affect the likelihood of roll-on service happening any time this year, though.

Getting closer:

(seen via Chicago Streetsblog)

I was also part of this pilot back in May. I took the train from Union Station to Dowagiac. The racks were very nice but were also said to be a stopgap measure while brand new cars with custom bike racks are being built. Overall these racks will probably only be in service for a few years while newer cars with permanent racks get phased in. If I remember I will post a few pictures from the train and ride around Dowagiac. 

Here's a pic of my bike on the 7:30a out of Union. Funny that the guy that got on one stop after me for the pilot also had an IRO. 

My impression of the racks is that they are sturdy, allow for plenty of secure points to lock your bike, and are fairly easy to get the bike into. Only downside would be that on a crowded train it is tough to turn the bike back around to get it back to the vestibule exit. Also, stairs are fairly narrow which, in my opinion, would make it fairly difficult to haul heavier bikes onboard. 



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