
Suspect sought in Rogers Park Lakefront Trail area murders. 

49th Ward community alert public safety message:


(photo - CPD)

Local news media outlet coverage:


Neighborhood public safety blog coverage :


Not much difference in the coverage of this situation for the sake of public safety now is there? 

10-3-18 Update:



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This is truly chilling, because the shooter appears to be a genuine psychopath/sociopath.  Eddie Johnson said, “I can ensure you that the person or persons responsible will be brought to justice.”  Sure he can.  Big talk from a police commissioner whose force is solving a whopping 17% of homicides. 

And the acts are also occurring in broad daylight.  Perhaps I'll avoid the LFT for a while now.

A symptom of an ever growing population? Society and perhaps nature have caused a need to keep the numbers in check? We must stay vigilant and be thankful to make it another day on this rock orbiting a burning ball of gas.


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