Last month I was almost run into parked cars on a four lane one way street in downtown by an SUV.

It pissed me off but did not enrage me as it used to initially. I just rolled up to it at the red light, like always, to tell him he was too close in a normal tone of voice and without a scowl face.

He rolled down his window and yelled "you don't belong on the streets asshole!"

At that, I lost all control of my calm and went back to the rage I used to feel when I would get all bloody and stupid with these types 10 years ago as he peeled off to the next light.

At the second light he gave me the finger salute and was mocking me riding my bike with his woman next to him being joyfully amused.

By the third light he was jockying to get away, with his lady friend now a little less delighted by her dufus' behavior.

By the fourth light I gave up remembering those pointless destructive experiences from before and rolled off.

Should I have just taken a photo of his plate?

What good would it do?

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I guess you could have called 311?  I have done that once before when this real idiot was threatening me with his truck just for being on my bike basically.  He started following me way too close and honking, so I got fed up and stopped in front of him and planted my feet.  He kept honking, refused to go around me, and just had the craziest look in his eye.  I was shaking, but I wanted this bastard to learn a lesson.  I got on the phone with the lady and basically just said there's a motorist who is threatening me with this vehicle and I don't feel safe.  She was real nice about it and I gave her the plate number and color of the car.  She said she'd dispatch someone or something.  Not long after this he got scared and sped away, and I just rode on.  I was angry and stuff but eventually forgot about it because at least I wasn't hurt or anything.  

There was another time that was a lot scarier actually and I called 311 again.  Another woman dispatched someone.  I hung around long enough (which was like 3 mins) for a cop to get there, and after I yelled at this car that the cops were on their way, they high tailed it outta there pretty quick.

Usually when I don't feel safe for example, I employ a little acting and make sure they know I'm serious, whether that's with a tone of voice or a gesture.  People don't like run in's with cops.  Always remember what you're up against, though.  

Good question. I have often considered having a 'dashboard' camera on my bike so I could document the everyday scenes that occur. In your case the plate would have allowed at least the ability to post here on the 'link a plate and description so we could all watch for this fool.

Also since the police repeatedly express the desire to be more cognizant of road behavior and bicycle/car interactions the info could have been delivered to a desk sargent for a report to be filed. While these individual reports often do not get the activity we would appreciate I believe the database does keep them in a useable form to be referenced for police use in the future.

If the stomper in your photo had a list of reports for antisocial behavior when apprehended that could establish a stronger response from the police and could help the cyclist in defending their own behavior in the interaction.

And deep in my twisted and evil inner mind I could watch for the vehicle to bring retribution down on the inhuman driver knowing they truely deserved my not a good idea but sure sounds good rattling around in my brainbucket...


The Chicagoan 

I will keep 311 and "link a plate" on my mind before I lose it again. It is just that I am really disappointed in myself for wanting to go back to getting bloody...

Why 311 and not 911? If you're threatened, that's an emergency.

I dunno.  I look at 311 as kinda like 911 but without having to worry about someone getting angry for something they deem 'trivial.' Ya know?  

And Jeff, nothing evil about thinking that at all.  It's taking a crazy dude off the streets!  Potentially any way.   

If someone tries to hit you with there car or threatens you it is time for 911; do you not consider a threat to your well being to be something of an emergency?

911 really?

I was chasing him down looking for blood.

notoriousDUG said:

If someone tries to hit you with there car or threatens you it is time for 911; do you not consider a threat to your well being to be something of an emergency?

I believe most cagers, like the d-bag that startled me with his horn and passing by too close, have no intention of hitting me. Just buzzing me like all the rest of the buses, taxis and all other cars that I "share" the road with on a daily basis.

If I called 911, which would be more than once a month, with these types. I think the police might get tired with me. Especially since I must have a record of all the altercations I've had with drivers in the past. I would know when to call 911...

It's just my curiosity of trying to find a more constructive way of dealing with bungholes of this type. Obviously, he was scared as I ran to his window the third time and he peeled off.

Next time I get a asshat encounter, maybe getting a license plate number would help in getting a locale of where they live so that a bag of burning dung can be left at thier door, so to speak.

Juan said:

911 really?

I was chasing him down looking for blood.

notoriousDUG said:

If someone tries to hit you with there car or threatens you it is time for 911; do you not consider a threat to your well being to be something of an emergency?

What I'm saying is that in the case of being unsure whether your call is 911 "worthy" or not, dial 311.  I did that both times I called, they transferred me over -- it took 3 seconds.  I've heard lots of complaints related to 911 centers being overwhelmed and fed up with bogus "emergency" calls, compared to zero about "tying up resources", which was why I suggested 311.  Juan seemed unsure on what to do, so I gave my best answer, and I don't really see yours being any better.


At least explain why you say that, then.  

Edit:  I see you've edited and added to your initial response to my post.

Calling 911 for "Anything happening now" is too vague, and that's bad advice.  I've seen you make some good points on here, but this aint one of em.  

h' said:

That's fine, I understand-- but I'm chiming in to make sure you and others know it's not good advice.

If you called 311 and 911 fairly regularly with various issues you'd have a stronger sense of why.

If it is an immediate need 311 is just going to kick you to 911 which, in all reality, just means you are wasting 311's time because of your fear of wasting 911's time.

911 has people calling them because McDonalds is out of McNuggets and because they got ripped off buying crack; trust me yours is no where near the most useless call they get in a day.

H', if you're an expert (like you seem to be implying) on this issue you should say so and cite some kind of source so that the community can all benefit.  You know... since I didn't claim to have the right answer in the first place.  I merely told Juan what I had done in the past, and suggested it as an option when deciding what to do in the future.  

h' said:

I did. 

911 is the appropriate number if you're calling about anything happening "now."

Maybe it would be helpful to explore this . . . if there was a driver harrassing you, what do you think the 311 call center might be able to do to help?


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