Hey last night a hispanic man with two little white dogs yelled at me from his window about who knows what, then when I told him to take a hike he swerved his car into the bike lane, forcing me onto the sidewalk. He stalked me for several blocks, trying to ram me with his car. Then, he went a little further ahead and parked his car in the bike lane, got out, and tried to punch me off my bike. The first image is from where he forced me off Milwaukee onto Elston, the second is from when he got out of his car. 

Man's Description: Middle aged hispanic guy w/ an accent. Douchey facial hair, caesar haircut. 
Car: Black Nissan Murano SUV
Dogs: Little white annoying things

Not like it matters, but I was actually following all the laws. I even stopped in a line of cars at the intersection of Halstead that had blocked the bike lane instead of cutting to the front (cutting? or claiming my entitled road space?) I assume that's what made him mad. He had a hard time passing me when the light turned green, and was honking and flipping out.

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Scott, I'm glad you're ok. Always try to protect yourself from harm from these types of people. Get their license plate numbers. Get witnesses. Call 911. Press charges.
Gettting away from an aggressive driver who has threatened violence against a cyclist, just pushes the problem down the road to another cyclist. Protect yourself, but try to get plate numbers, witnesses, call 911, press charges, and send a message to these types of aggressive drivers.

Somehow, I think both you and Jeff Schneider are both correct.  I personally ride like a 90-year-old and don't have too many incidents with drivers.  I try to keep out of their way, within reason.  Once in a while I yell an obscenity.  However, if some guy got out of a car and came after me, well, u-locks are pretty hefty.  And, I wouldn't hesitate to contact the police about someone like that.  I expect and can tolerate people having a bad hair day, but there are limits.  

Your description is quite funny, too bad you don't have a license plate for us to watch for.

Maybe you should give him room to pass, instead of blocking him because the rules of the road say you can?  Not justifying his behavior, and honestly I would have beat his ass if he tried to ram me then got out of his car. 

Group of People Harassing and Restraining a Cycli…: http://youtu.be/VQ19lJkU-Xg

Cyclist cut off repeatedly, harassed , detained and threatened. You tube video. Click above ^


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