9/20/12 Damen from Division to Jackson is "Rough Grooved Surface." Plan accordingly.

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Anne Alt said:

OMG!!!  They're FINALLY repaving that?  Yeah!!!!

Kevin C said:

10/4/12 A couple blocks of Hubbard east of Racine is rough grooved surface.

I find that it varies quite a bit depending on time of day and day of the week.  I usually need to use it at times when traffic is light and drivers usually want to go fast (at night, early morning on weekends, etc.).  When it's congested and slow, it's much easier.

John Durham said:

I ride that route (eastbound in the a.m.) frequently and I have only had one person hassle me for taking the lane, shouting "You're not a car!".  I have found people to be understanding and let me merge in when I signal.  Sorry you've had hassles. 

Anne Alt said:

Harrison St. bridge over the river has been under construction for many months now, with no end in sight.  This means that traffic is narrowed down to 1 lane in each direction over the bridge.  Unless you ride fast, riding on the street here is a guaranteed hassle.  Sidewalks are narrow and punctuated by signposts, so it's not a great alternative, unless you want to join the peds and walk it.

With Van Buren and Jackson bridges closed until December due to Wacker Dr. reconstruction, this means we have a gap between rideable routes over the river from Adams/Monroe to Roosevelt - if you consider Roosevelt a "rideable" route.  If not, the gap extends to the 18th St. bridge.

North Evanston is v diff to navigate; idiots have torn up Central AND Isabella (best E-W route)

Halsted between Division and North was all tore up last night.

Webster from Levitt to Elston...rough grooved surface...slow, no wake.

No wake - good one.  Missing your time on the water already?    ;)

I really hope they get to the stretch btwn Clybourn and Ashland.  Truly horrible

Mark Beard-Witherup said:

Webster from Levitt to Elston...rough grooved surface...slow, no wake.

Van Buren was ground down for repaving today. Extremely rough grooved surface with many sharp-edged bumps.

Not sure of the total length of the construction area, but it runs at least from State to Financial Pl.

Today workers were jackhammering the humps around the now-raised manhole covers. Unfortunately, they only got the broken asphalt pieces removed east of Clark.  Tonight the mix is wet, rough grooved surface, craters filled with water, and (west of Clark) raised manhole covers surrounded by broken chunks of asphalt. If you can avoid Van Buren, you're better off.

Anne Alt said:

Van Buren was ground down for repaving today. Extremely rough grooved surface with many sharp-edged bumps.

Not sure of the total length of the construction area, but it runs at least from State to Financial Pl.

10/22/12: The Hubbard refurbish appears to be completed and sadly, only includes 1.25 blocks; i.e. Carpenter to Morgan and the Racine & Hubbard intersection. On a more positive note, Racine from Grand to the tracks was resurfaced for the 1st time since the Clinton administration.  

Kevin C said:


Anne Alt said:

OMG!!!  They're FINALLY repaving that?  Yeah!!!!

Kevin C said:

10/4/12 A couple blocks of Hubbard east of Racine is rough grooved surface.

Wolcott South from 35th is rough grooved.

Damen South of 35th to 37th is tore up due to sewer work.

Anyone know if Ogden East of Western to the Medical Dist. resurfacing project done yet?


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