9/20/12 Damen from Division to Jackson is "Rough Grooved Surface." Plan accordingly.

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Nice! I'm guessing they'll wait until the summer to rip out all of the concrete to pour asphalt?

Bob Kastigar said:

Bryn Mawr is now open from Pulaski all the way to Western anyway.

18th St bridge is open! The bike lane portion of the metal grate is filled with concrete. It is not what I'd call smooth, but it probably better than bare metal.

Here is a view of the lanes (from before it was open of course):

How did you know that I was just trying to figure out if it was open? :-)

I'll have to take a look when I'm passing there on the train to see if it's officially open.

It is definitely open. There is a lot of traffic, pedestrian, bike and yes, even motor vehicles on it right now. (I have a view of it from my office.)

Now if only 18th and Damen was clear to go.

Glenview Road, at Harms (entrance to the the NBT) was blocked this morning. I was able to cut through a corner gas station to get through, but the whole area is going to be a mess for a while.

Damen was torn up north of Diversey last night. I don't know how far north it goes, but this section is overdue for resurfacing.

Damen north of Diversey is all done now. They're putting in crosswalks over the next couple days.

and lanes over the bridge are repainted!

Nice!!!! That's been a real issue.

Northbound Clark St between Wrightwood and Diversey was torn up this morning. Not sure if the southbound lanes will be torn up later.


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