Last week, several hours and inches into the first big snow of the year, I was biking north along Halsted to run some errands (but really, to have a grown up excuse to play in the snow...) Suddenly a woman in an SUV pulls along side me, rolls down her window and gestures frantically:

"You dropped your keys!"

How she saw me drop them, out of my right pocket no less and in that heavy snow, I've no idea, but I'm truly grateful. She'd pulled away before I could tell her so but just goes to show--Road Angels can come in unlikely packages.

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Something similar happened to a friend 2 weeks ago.   A driver kept honking at her.  She thought the driver was just being rude.... finally she turned around, and the car was dragging her pannier that had fallen.  The driver was trying to make sure she got her pannier back. 

Nice stories.

Not bike related but I was in a car once and a woman pulled up to the side of us and started waving and honking.  She told us one of our tires was almost completely flat.  We happened to be a couple feet from a shop on Western and got it fixed right there.


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