Last week, several hours and inches into the first big snow of the year, I was biking north along Halsted to run some errands (but really, to have a grown up excuse to play in the snow...) Suddenly a…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Zoetrope Jan 17, 2012.
The National Park Service is considering applying for National Historic Landmark status for the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Adventure Cycling blog explains why this is bad for cyclists and other…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by clp Dec 9, 2011.
I commute from the northside to the south and back a couple times/week and often rely on a combination of my bike + the LSD express buses (#147 and #6) to shorten the commute time. Lately I've…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) Nov 18, 2011.
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