Blue Ridge Parkway For Cars Only? -- Public Comment Period Til Dec 16

The National Park Service is considering applying for National Historic Landmark status for the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Adventure Cycling blog explains why this is bad for cyclists and other non-motorized trail users, setting a bad precedent for parks and trails around the country:

"The Blue Ridge Parkway is applying for National Historic Landmark (NHL) status as a way to manage the parkway under the financial strain of diminishing national park budgets. However, the designation clearly sets a bad precedent -- one that cannot be easily undone. Under this status, any changes within the parkway will go under intense historic and environmental review, called the Section 106 process. This could halt or stagnate trail building, road maintenance, or any number of future improvements for bicycle access. In addition, other national parks could begin using this designation to “preserve” the status quo. Despite the growing interest in bicycling, park managers wouldn't have to accommodate cyclists or other non-motorized and alternative transportation users."

The National Park Service is accepting public comments online and by mail until December 16 (fast approaching!)

 Apologies for cross-posting; this has been making the rounds on other bike sites but I didn't see anything on the Chainlink about it. The Blue Ridge Parkway is a wonderful resource for cyclists and makes a great cycling vacation!

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done. I'm kinda busy today so I just blasted this off on the comment form:

mments: Topic Question 1: The automobile centric aspects of the plan alternative "promoting the driving experience" is distressing to me. I've only been on the Parkway once, and it was one of the more enjoyable experiences of my life. From my vantage point as a motorcyclist I decided that the next time I rode the Parkway it would be on a bicycle so that I could enjoy the beauty at a more natural, unhurried pace.

I really appreciate all your hard work in maintaining and preserving this national treasure of ours. Thank you very much for your work and for your attention to my concerns.


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