
Seeing way, way more cyclists than any past year on my local rides lately (it's almost getting to be like riding on Milwaukee* 'round these parts), but none of you seem to have bells.

That is wrong.


(*at 3 a.m. on a January night)

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Just lean into your aero bars and zoom around them as fast as you can!

Ivo Iliev said:

Very well said, sir! 

If you need a bell to make other cyclists or pedestrians move out of your way, then you are not riding your bike properly.

h' 1.0 said:

Bells are meant to be used by cyclists to greet other cyclists. Any other use is an abomination.

So you just scream constantly, or what 

or are you imagining a world in which pedestrians aren't walking down the kinzie pbl four across with nowhere to swerve 

Ivo Iliev said:

If you need a bell to make other cyclists or pedestrians move out of your way, then you are not riding your bike properly.

I have the Mirrycle bell and it works well for a friendly reminder that a bike is nearby. Its a pleasant tone and can be heard.  When a less friendly or more urgent tone is required I have a variety of whistles, whoops and screams including a curdler.  I think having an air horn or some other "monster" bell is overkill.  The default is to use a discernible but reasonable sound such as the MIrrycle.  The heavy artillery is used much less often. 

I'd want an air horn just to get the drivers' attention.  But its definitely too much for peds or bikes.  I can use my voice for that.

David Barish said:

I have the Mirrycle bell and it works well for a friendly reminder that a bike is nearby. Its a pleasant tone and can be heard.  When a less friendly or more urgent tone is required I have a variety of whistles, whoops and screams including a curdler.  I think having an air horn or some other "monster" bell is overkill.  The default is to use a discernible but reasonable sound such as the MIrrycle.  The heavy artillery is used much less often. 

I love bells!  

I keep screaming down to a minimum as people get frustrated. Otherwise if I can pass safely I do, if not, then I slow down and go around them. I used to get frustrated at pedestrians and the fat-ass rental bike out-of-towners until I realized that biking (at least for me) is all about having fun and exercising. So don't get frustrated if you want to have fun and slow down, then accelerate again for explosive fitness... :) 

Sorry to take the discussion along a different tangent - I support the use of bells and I even like how they sound, but I won't be using one any time soon.

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

So you just scream constantly, or what 

or are you imagining a world in which pedestrians aren't walking down the kinzie pbl four across with nowhere to swerve 

Ivo Iliev said:

If you need a bell to make other cyclists or pedestrians move out of your way, then you are not riding your bike properly.


h' 1.0 said:

I have been buying and giving out bells and horns with my own money for several years.

Too bad this doesn't fit my 31.8mm bar

Eli said:

As far as traditional bike bells go, I haven't found anything louder than the Crane Suzu bell (http://bicycleastronomy.org/2013/02/14/the-crane-suzu-bell/). Sold in lots of places--I know I've seen this specific bell at Uptown Bikes.

Good for you!

I still want my horns

Ivo Iliev said:

I keep screaming down to a minimum as people get frustrated. Otherwise if I can pass safely I do, if not, then I slow down and go around them. I used to get frustrated at pedestrians and the fat-ass rental bike out-of-towners until I realized that biking (at least for me) is all about having fun and exercising. So don't get frustrated if you want to have fun and slow down, then accelerate again for explosive fitness... :) 

Sorry to take the discussion along a different tangent - I support the use of bells and I even like how they sound, but I won't be using one any time soon.

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

So you just scream constantly, or what 

or are you imagining a world in which pedestrians aren't walking down the kinzie pbl four across with nowhere to swerve 

Ivo Iliev said:

If you need a bell to make other cyclists or pedestrians move out of your way, then you are not riding your bike properly.

Horns are fun too - really like their sound :)

Also sometimes if pedestrians are out of line I think it's fun to skid right behind them just to scare them up a little although technically they have the right of way most of the time

J.A.W. said:

Good for you!

I still want my horns

Ivo Iliev said:

I keep screaming down to a minimum as people get frustrated. Otherwise if I can pass safely I do, if not, then I slow down and go around them. I used to get frustrated at pedestrians and the fat-ass rental bike out-of-towners until I realized that biking (at least for me) is all about having fun and exercising. So don't get frustrated if you want to have fun and slow down, then accelerate again for explosive fitness... :) 

Sorry to take the discussion along a different tangent - I support the use of bells and I even like how they sound, but I won't be using one any time soon.

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

So you just scream constantly, or what 

or are you imagining a world in which pedestrians aren't walking down the kinzie pbl four across with nowhere to swerve 

Ivo Iliev said:

If you need a bell to make other cyclists or pedestrians move out of your way, then you are not riding your bike properly.

J.A.W. said:


h' 1.0 said:

I have been buying and giving out bells and horns with my own money for several years.


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