When riding under the tracks do you go between the parked cars and the columns or squeeze into the cars lane?

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Thanks you for all the responses.

I brought up this question because of a frightening close call while being passed by a car on the lane.
I did not mean it to be a trick question yet the third option of just avoiding these streets seems to like the one for me.
After having a windshield cracked by falling debris, I try to neither drive or bike under the EL.
i just close my eyes and go as fast as i can!!! i mean i always take a lane and on wells theres 2 lanes so i ride towards the lane line so they cant try and pass me within the lane. sometimes when a car goes to pass i hold my arm out so they understand that 3 foot space i need, and always remember if they honk that means they see you. Its when they dont see you that you have big problems
Good question!! I only stay to the right if there's room outside the door zone for a fair amount ahead of me. Otherwise, lane all the way!

But, there is another caution here that folks have not yet noted!!
I get nervous when there is heavy train traffic overhead because now no one can hear... as in motorists can't hear you yell, pedestrians can't hear bike bells, no one can hear horns, bikes can't hear approaching cars, etc. There is a reason why biking and driving with headphones are illegal. For just a few minutes, we're all in this boat.

John Clark said:
You're better off in the lane.On the side there's more glass and debris,as well as the chance of getting doored,or a pedestrian stepping in front of you.Stay in the lane,aand always pay attention.
This is why I like to turn all lights on BEFORE going under the El tracks. In a location like this, a helmet-mounted light that can be aimed to get a driver's attention can be extremely helpful.

Jody said:
Good question!! I only stay to the right if there's room outside the door zone for a fair amount ahead of me. Otherwise, lane all the way!

But, there is another caution here that folks have not yet noted!!
I get nervous when there is heavy train traffic overhead because now no one can hear... as in motorists can't hear you yell, pedestrians can't hear bike bells, no one can hear horns, bikes can't hear approaching cars, etc.
I take the lane; it used to be that Wabash had a wide outside lane, but this appears to be used exclusively for double parking these days. I've always felt that traffic tends to be lighter on these streets than on the parallel streets. Like Anne, I turn on my lights.

Oddly, more of my bike-pedestrian close calls (I cheerfully yield for pedestrians, even at mid-block crossings, but these people were crossing against the light, without looking) have happened on these streets than elsewhere downtown, so watch it.
I lock my bike and take the train suckers.
I come across doing this rarely because I always feel so unsafe.
I always meander around both and turn off asap.
both.... weaving is fun! Either that or I just get in the middle of the road.... it really doesnt bother me to make a car wait or deal with me being there.
I'm no "vehicular cyclist" devotee, but it really is much safer to take the lane in these kinds of situations.

something else to watch for when riding outside the columns (or walking down the sidewalks) is that these streets have lots of parking garage entries* and loading dock entrances, from which drivers often just sort of pop out from nowhere.

* did you know? city zoning bans large ("non-accessory") parking garages from inside the Loop, except for properties that face the "L" tracks. that's why the garages are along the tracks. now to get them banned elsewhere...
Personally it depends on a few different factors, during the day when its really busy on Wabash or something similar I'll go inside most of the time just because its easier and might hurt slightly less to have a car pull out into you as opposed to having a car run you into a pillar. Late night I will run street side when there are little to no cars running around downtown, unless I'm on my BMX bike then I still tend to gravitate to the curb side because its so much easier to ride along with traffic with the road bike.


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