When riding under the tracks do you go between the parked cars and the columns or squeeze into the cars lane?

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I try to keep it to a minimum, but when I do I take the lane. The streets under the el have lanes that are not wide enough for a car to safely pass a cyclist. I've seen people ride outside the columns and come close to being doored or run over by people pulling out of parking spaces.
Inside all the way for me
For me, it depends on the location and how much further I'll be riding under the El. I usually avoid the streets under the El for the reasons John mentioned. If I am riding on one of those streets, I put all lights on, even in daytime. That has helped me avoid several potential doorings. I usually take an inside lane, unless the curb lane is wide open or I'm close to where I'm turning off that street.

On Lake St. along the Thompson Center, when traffic is creeping at morning rush hour, I go outside the columns SLOWLY with all lights flashing, next to all the police and sheriff's cars parked by the Thompson Center, watching carefully for brake lights or heads in all of those cars (usually all empty by 9 a.m. when I might pass there).
I ride wherever there isn't anything else.
I do neither, I weave between support post. Weeeee....
i take the lane. i'm more worried about getting doored then getting honked and tailgated.
RodimusPrime said:
i take the lane. i'm more worried about getting doored then getting honked and tailgated.

This. For the most part I can keep up with traffic during rush hour anyways.
I take the lane... pedestrians on Wells suck and use that between space to mill around waiting to cross. I was almost taken out by a bus on Wells because they thought they could pass me and they were wrong. Now I'm a hog and show a blatant disregard for cab horns. Good thing I'm fast.
Take the lane!

Never been doored (just cursed myself), but I DEFINITELY don't want to get doored then headbutt one of those metal columns holding up the tracks.
True dat...I've been doored, and the thought of combining that pain with faceplanting an iron support column seems more than I'd care to endure.

My thoughts are avoid Lake Street and all others like it. And if you must ride under the El, ride in the lane and be prepared to put up with angry drivers honking at you.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Take the lane!

Never been doored (just cursed myself), but I DEFINITELY don't want to get doored then headbutt one of those metal columns holding up the tracks.
I ride those every day. Since it's so narrow, I rock an entire lane until traffic slows me down, then try to find a gap. If no gap, I take the outside w/ clenched buttcheeks watching for doors.
I take the lane, for sure. No way would I squeeze between car doors and steel posts. The loop is the one place where I can go the same speed as the cars.


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