Caught the rust just in time!
Riding in the rain is never advised.
Sometimes it happens though and you have no choice.
The chain started showing surface rust.
Took some kerosene and removed it.
I thought about this for a little bit.
I decided I better lube all parts I can.
So I cleaned what I could and lubed up the cables and the chain.
Hopefully next time I go for a ride I won't have any unusual noise.
Was this supposed to be a poem?
Nope just a lack of planning on my part.
Got caught in the rain on Saturday.
Should have looked at the radar.
Should have left work sooner. ( had to drop off and pick up stuff)
Just me voicing what a rookie move I made on Saturday is all.
Can't do this with the next bike I get.
Could do more damage than just a rusty chain.
riding in the rain
ain't so bad
as long as it's when you leave
and not where you began
Riding in the rain
Better put on your rain gear
Else you will get wet.
Rain fell on my head
My tires are smooth
If I didn't ride slow
I'd fall and I'd bruise
Don't forget your coat
I was told on the TV
Left it home now wet
Dry off your chain now,
It wants lubrication right?
Give it some oily love.
a a a a
i i i l
n n n l
. . . i
. . . n
. . . g
. . . .
boy scout on a bike
come what may she is not scared
en route, be prepared.
Summary of Thread:
A rider one dark, rainy morning
Took off without heeding this warning:
"If it's going to rain
Better lube up your chain
Else you'll rust up before it's done pouring."
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