Caught the rust just in time!
Riding in the rain is never advised.
Sometimes it happens though and you have no choice.
The chain started showing surface rust.
Took some kerosene and removed it.
I thought about this for a little bit.
I decided I better lube all parts I can.
So I cleaned what I could and lubed up the cables and the chain.
Hopefully next time I go for a ride I won't have any unusual noise.

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Behind the fixie

I drink a stream of water

Kicked up off the street

Fenders, people!

This thread is full of awesome.

I check Accuweather when I wake up,

And confirm today's forecast,

Along with a few hours ahead.

Heck, it shows rain is coming up,

And affirm I have my raincoat,

Along with helmet for my head.

There once was a man from Chicago

Who rode his bike into the lago.

His rump got all wet.

And this was my bet.

I wrote all about it on my blog-o.

Riding in the rain

See what happens when I post?

Andy does no work

To ride to work  upon my bike,

It starts the day the way I like.

Alas the skies pour out their woe

impeding NOT the way I go.

The drops dare not fall to my skin.

my shell, which breathes, won't let them in.

The slop the street may shoot or send

rebounds away. My bike will fend.

My load is safe and dry as well

If trouble comes I'll ring my bell.

You thought I'd drive? You lose that bet.

I'm crisp and clean and you're all wet.

Best one so far, IMO.

David Barish said:

To ride to work  upon my bike,

It starts the day the way I like.

Alas the skies pour out their woe

impeding NOT the way I go.

The drops dare not fall to my skin.

my shell, which breathes, won't let them in.

The slop the street may shoot or send

rebounds away. My bike will fend.

My load is safe and dry as well

If trouble comes I'll ring my bell.

You thought I'd drive? You lose that bet.

I'm crisp and clean and you're all wet.

Adam:  please forgive me for this mild jab, but limericks are sacred things.

There once was a writer named Adam,

As to limericks he thought that he had 'em.

But as for the scheme,

He cracked up the meme,

And tried to fit in more words than is strictly permitted according to commonly accepted rules of writing limericks not to mention some terrible attempts at rhymes.


And I agree, Mr. Barish's contribution is sublime...

Actually, the rhymes are pretty good.  Strike that last part...

This one had me laughing at my desk... well done, Adam.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

There once was a man from Chicago

Who rode his bike into the lago.

His rump got all wet.

And this was my bet.

I wrote all about it on my blog-o.

Steve Courtright said:

Adam:  please forgive me for this mild jab, but limericks are sacred things.

There once was a writer named Adam,

As to limericks he thought that he had 'em.

But as for the scheme,

He cracked up the meme,

And tried to fit in more words than is strictly permitted according to commonly accepted rules of writing limericks not to mention some terrible attempts at rhymes.


And I agree, Mr. Barish's contribution is sublime...


Jeff Schneider said:

In rain bikes may slide

Head is bald but tires are not

Wet but safe I ride


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