Ribbon cutting for Wicker Park on-street bike corral today

Chicago finally has on-street bike parking!


(Read Steven Vance's report here: http://gridchicago.com/2011/reminder-on-street-bike-parking-ribbon-...)


The ribbon-cutting ceremony is tonight:

Friday, July 29, 2011
5:00 - 7:30 PM

Flat Iron Arts Building
1579 N Milwaukee Avenue


Afterwards there will be a reception across the street at Francesco's Forno.


It might add to the festivities if a large contingent of bicyclists showed up.

Any ideas how this could be arranged?




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We'll be there!




Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

May be tough with Critical Mass tonight and it looks quite nice out.


Saw it last night on my way home... looks good.

Great first step and it's nice to see the City care more about bike parking. 


I have to ask, though, why not squeeze as much parking into the spot as possible??  Haven't seen it in person yet, but from the pic it looks like at least another rack would fit.  I also seem to remember from my last visit to Portland that their on-street converted parking spots held a lot more bike parking spots than this.  Is there a reason we didn't just copy Portland's design, or is this just all the budget would handle in this instance??

The actual ribbon cutting and speeches will start around 5:15 pm,

but the reception should be a fun scene as well.



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