
I'm a new(ish) Chicago bike commuter.  I am looking for advice on winter apparel.  I have the good fortune of being able to change and shower at the office, so I don't need gear that will double as work clothes or go over biz casual.  Just looking for advice from fellow Chicagoans, mostly with regard to pants/bibs/etc, shoe (covers) and gloves.  Also I tend to be on the frugal end of the spend spectrum!  Thanks in advance.


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No such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.

Good clothes cost more than bad clothes.

Bulk and loose is your enemy.

Light weight, wicking close to skin.

Light weight, wicking over those.

Waterproof jacket and over pants. Jacket all the time, pants when it start to get cold and wet.

Waterproof boots or shoe covers for rain.

Balaclava, knit hat, wind proof gloves and maybe mitts over if needed.

You get to decide what "cold" is.

You'll start your commute cold but warm up after a few blocks and break a light sweat after a while.  Put up with being a little cold at first; much better than being too hot later on.

I'm a 10+ month bike commuter in the early AM for the past 5 years.

Beware of ice you can see and the ice you can't see.



This year I've started using cold-weather motorcycle gear. I'm happy to say that its working great so far. I'm using these gloves by Klim and they're awesome. They're lightweight cordura, with a goretex shell, pre-curved fingers, and have a seamless palm. They're super comfortable and very well designed. 

Wool rules.  I'm waiting for everything to go half price at Macy's after the new year.

Its -2 this morning in Alaska.  I wore silk long underwear, bike tights and wind/rain pants.  On top I wore two wool shirts, a wool sweater and soft shell bike jacket.  Winter gloves, pogies on my handlebars, wool neck gator, ski helmet, my favorite helmet for winter riding, and a pair of Northface lace up winter boots.  I only had to ride 4 miles, but was quite comfortable, and not a bit sweaty when I got to work.

It'll be like that in Chicago soon enough, but with more wind.


When it was 0 in Chicago for one day last year I needed goggles.
marcia howell said:

Its -2 this morning in Alaska.  I wore silk long underwear, bike tights and wind/rain pants.  On top I wore two wool shirts, a wool sweater and soft shell bike jacket.  Winter gloves, pogies on my handlebars, wool neck gator, ski helmet, my favorite helmet for winter riding, and a pair of Northface lace up winter boots.  I only had to ride 4 miles, but was quite comfortable, and not a bit sweaty when I got to work.

For about the last five years, I have been trying to get the Chicagoans to use pogies/bar mitts/moose mitts on colder winter days, and with only a few exceptions, I just can't convince them.

marcia howell said:

Its -2 this morning in Alaska.  I wore silk long underwear, bike tights and wind/rain pants.  On top I wore two wool shirts, a wool sweater and soft shell bike jacket.  Winter gloves, pogies on my handlebars, wool neck gator, ski helmet, my favorite helmet for winter riding, and a pair of Northface lace up winter boots.  I only had to ride 4 miles, but was quite comfortable, and not a bit sweaty when I got to work.

Its a little awkward at first.  I started with a pair with a small opening and didn't like feeling trapped.  But with a bigger opening, its easy to get my hands in and out and I can wear pretty thin gloves.  

Kevin C said:

For about the last five years, I have been trying to get the Chicagoans to use pogies/bar mitts/moose mitts on colder winter days, and with only a few exceptions, I just can't convince them.

marcia howell said:

Its -2 this morning in Alaska.  I wore silk long underwear, bike tights and wind/rain pants.  On top I wore two wool shirts, a wool sweater and soft shell bike jacket.  Winter gloves, pogies on my handlebars, wool neck gator, ski helmet, my favorite helmet for winter riding, and a pair of Northface lace up winter boots.  I only had to ride 4 miles, but was quite comfortable, and not a bit sweaty when I got to work.

Last year Advance Auto Parts had ATV pogies on clearance. Maybe they'll do it again this season...

marcia howell said:

wool neck gator

Ha Ha.  I clicked on the link in my email and thought I'd been hacked.  Clever Adam.


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