The Chainlink

Request for help: Anyone have a bike lock they can donate?

I received this request and I am going to donate a helmet and lights but I don't think I have a bike lock I can donate. Does anyone have one they are willing to donate to a good cause? Kids and bikes are such a great thing...

"I’m emailing as a representative of La Casa Norte, a community resource and social justice organization located in Logan Square. I work for our Scattered Site Supportive Housing Program which provides supportive case management services to chronically homeless families all over the city. We were fortunate enough to receive a bike donation for one of our youth who has recently been enrolled in the program. This is a kid who has been through more trauma than the average foot soldier in Iraq. Needless to say, his Christmases and birthdays haven’t been the most pleasant experiences. This bike is a welcome gift, but our program unfortunately does not have the resources available to purchase a bike lock to ensure that it stays in his possession. I’m emailing to inquire about a potential bike lock (or anything of the like) donation from you all."

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La Casa Norte is a great organization.  I'll happily buy them a lock.  Just tell me where to deliver it.  

Thanks so much! I had someone send me a private message and offer to donate so I've put them in touch with the case manager. We're all set for them but I'll post if they need anything else in the future. Thanks!!


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