I actually screamed pure joy out loud when I saw Gambit on screen...FINALLY!


p.s. is there a random nonsense thread? cause this belongs there I suppose.

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OH MY GOD!!! Seriously, I was more excited than anyone should know about that trailer!!! ;-)
This is one x-men movies that I want to see.
Oh yeah. As a long-time X-Men fan, I'm totally looking forward to this flick. My only complaint is Marvel's "canonical" official origin of Logan/Wolverine. I thought revealing his full backstory was kinda lame. But so it goes.

Thanks for posting the link, Danielle. It was a kickass way to begin the day. :-)
Not to get too too OT, but has anyone heard anything about the status of the Watchmen movie vis-a-vis the studio's legal wrangling? Because that preview made me wonk out even more than this one (though I don't trust that 300 jerk to handle Alan Moore's material well at alll...it sure does look awesome).

Also, nice pecs on that Jackman dude!
looks like a good popcorn flick, but come on..

Gambit would have been a small child or not even born when Logan was in the Weapon X project.

sort of an insta-fail.
I don't know. It looks like the movie is spanning quite a bit of time. Maybe the Gambit meetup is just later in Logan's life. I'm also excited to see Wolverine do his thing in New Orleans.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to tape my glasses back together and figure out my hit points for my 3rd level cleric. ;-)

root said:
looks like a good popcorn flick, but come on..

Gambit would have been a small child or not even born when Logan was in the Weapon X project.

sort of an insta-fail.
as someone who's read comics since before he could read, and has 8 boxes stuffed underneath his bed. . .

cautious optimism.
What is the studio wrangling you speak of? Is the movie getting held up for some reason? I'm also kinda dubious regarding Snyder's handling of the flick, but still want to give it a chance.

BTW, it's rumored that the Watchmen DVD will be full of a helluva ton of extras: Tales From the Black Freighter feature, Rorschach's log, a "Behind the Hood" thingie, etc. Could be neat.

Stacey E said:
Not to get too too OT, but has anyone heard anything about the status of the Watchmen movie vis-a-vis the studio's legal wrangling? Because that preview made me wonk out even more than this one (though I don't trust that 300 jerk to handle Alan Moore's material well at alll...it sure does look awesome).

Also, nice pecs on that Jackman dude!
When you search the room you find... ;-)

justJason said:
I don't know. It looks like the movie is spanning quite a bit of time. Maybe the Gambit meetup is just later in Logan's life. I'm also excited to see Wolverine do his thing in New Orleans.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to tape my glasses back together and figure out my hit points for my 3rd level cleric. ;-)

root said:
looks like a good popcorn flick, but come on..

Gambit would have been a small child or not even born when Logan was in the Weapon X project.

sort of an insta-fail.
Ha! Man, I think if I were to sell my X-Men collection, I may not have to work for a year! And sometimes that sounds mighty tempting...

RodimusPrime said:
as someone who's read comics since before he could read, and has 8 boxes stuffed underneath his bed. . .

cautious optimism.
*Rolls 20 sided die for outcome*

Gabe said:
When you search the room you find... ;-)

justJason said:
I don't know. It looks like the movie is spanning quite a bit of time. Maybe the Gambit meetup is just later in Logan's life. I'm also excited to see Wolverine do his thing in New Orleans.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to tape my glasses back together and figure out my hit points for my 3rd level cleric. ;-)

root said:
looks like a good popcorn flick, but come on..

Gambit would have been a small child or not even born when Logan was in the Weapon X project.

sort of an insta-fail.
Nice that they included Sabretooth in there.


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