Way, way back in 2007, h' introduced me to The Wings Cafe in Logan Square. It was a nice, simple bar, but with decent, interesting food. Not presumptuous, no loud music or singles scene, family friendly, dimly lit. Universal appeal. 

It was my perfect place for a party, so I returned and threw another one on my birthday. 

This year, I would like to do it again, but The Wings is long gone, sadly. 

Can anyone think of a place that would be very cheap, maybe might even let me use a room? Family friendly, welcoming all ages kids through seniors. Serving alcohol, very casual, in Chicago? 

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check out Black rock on Damen, they have a room in back

See if Jaks Tap in the West Loop might work for you. They have a side room that's suitable for large groups. Nice place. Good food and good beer selection. Bike friendly. Moderate prices.

I've seen a kids party at Piece, on that lower floor.  

Not particularly quiet though.

h' 1.0 said:

We've done the party pit at Piece (coworker group).  It seems like it might hold about 15 comfortably.


I went to Jaks and Pete's last night. Jaks might work. I would rather not have to pay, but perhaps I'll just take the free room with minimal perks and not make a fuss. Pete's wouldn't take a group of over 50 on a Saturday night, although it looked like a really nice place. 

Thanks everyone for your help!

I went to a family friendly party this weekend at Declan's. It's worth looking into. I'm not sure if they charge for reserving their extra room. 


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