Don't do it, if you have an alternative via bus. It's a confusing mess that will add at least 30 minutes to your travel time.  Shuttle buses and trains In effect through 4 AM Monday morning.

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I'm avoiding it.   Thanks for the reminder.

What a CF.  I thank my lucky stars that this doesn't need to effect me and I can easily avoid going downtown for a few weeks while this is being done.

Still, it's nice that they are fixing issues before something collapses and a bunch of folks get injured/killed. This infrastructure is old and crumbling and it needs work before it is too late and the unthinkable happens. 

Agreed. And CTA's gotten enough practice at bridge replacements in recent years that they've gotten good at it.

James BlackHeron said:

Still, it's nice that they are fixing issues before something collapses and a bunch of folks get injured/killed. This infrastructure is old and crumbling and it needs work before it is too late and the unthinkable happens. 

Understood.  From everything I've heard, communication with passengers in the first few days of the project was not handled well. 

If anyone reading this rode the brown line today, can you provide an update?  Was communication better today?

I took the 'L' today in anticipation of the snow storm and it was not bad at all. I rode the Brown Line from Belmont to Merchandise Mart. The train was a bit crowded, but I was able to get a seat fairly easily. The train operator made announcements at Belmont, Fullerton, and the rest of the stations until Merch Mart. There were also sandwich boards in the stations telling passengers of the reroute. There were plenty of CTA workers handing out flyers at platforms and alerting customers on where to pick up shuttle buses. Overall, a generally pleasant experience, and I even got to work on time, despite walking from the Mart to Adams/Wells.

Should we even be taking the Tribune seriously anymore? Newspapers apparently have to sensationalize everything in order to stay relevant and make money, nowadays.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

In the end, my door to door travel time wasn't really very different. Reading the Tribune articles it sounds like they searched the platform for the most clueless passengers they could find to interview.

To be fair, I don't know how any disruption in the loop train traffic could be handled well.   It must be a major headache for all involved to have to deal with this now, or EVER.   That's probably why this kind of shut-down maintenance is put off until it is absolutely necessary.  Fat time or lean time. 

I don't think it has much to do with the government being in debt the usual regular Billuns and Billuns or the Gagagillions it is today.  Tell Bernanke to give the Chicago folks a few Trillion while he's printing some more cash.  Print, Spend, Rinse, Repeat...


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