Protected Bike Lane Frack-Up: Marshall Boulevard-- ??Resolved??

It looks like striping was completed yesterday for a protected lane on Marshall... at least from the south end of Douglass park to the bend towards 24th street (I personally don't have much use for a bike lane on the boulevard so can't speak to how far it extends either way...).


(11/20/12, 6/14/13-- subject line edited to reflect the current status)

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So the viaducts were as crappy as ever? *sigh* And I was hoping that a miracle had occurred on 18th St.  :(

Tony Adams 7 mi said:

If you are referring to my post, that was yesterday, but yes the protected lanes on the bridge were plowed and salted. The non-protected sections including the wall of snow immediately to the east of the east bound protected lanes were not plowed.

Anne Alt said:

Wow, they actually plowed 18th St. this a.m.?!?  I missed seeing that because I was sitting on the east side of the train on my way into work, trying soak up a little sun. Thanks for the good news.

18th St. looks better today than it has in a while, but it still doesn't look good. There and on Archer west of Clark I'm sometimes seeing peds walking in the lanes because sidewalks are full of snow. I've seen that on Vincennes, too.

The wall of snow is under the viaduct you are riding over from that perspective. Here is a shot from down below :)  I should have taken a shot closer to the problem. it is great that most of the lane has been plowed, but it is not so great that the snow and crap that got left in the lane forces a rider out into the traffic lane at the worst possible time (at the bottom of a hill and into the dark of a viaduct).

A lot of peds are using the protected bike lanes on the 18th St bridge. Personally I'm fine with it especially given that it is an extraordinary situation. The lanes there are plenty wide and can accommodate both a bike and a pedestrian. I think it might help build up some good will.

Anne Alt said:

18th St. looks better today than it has in a while, but it still doesn't look good. There and on Archer west of Clark I'm sometimes seeing peds walking in the lanes because sidewalks are full of snow. I've seen that on Vincennes, too.

It really sucks that they left a wall of snow there. I agree with you about peds and goodwill.

Tony Adams 7 mi said:

The wall of snow is under the viaduct you are riding over from that perspective. Here is a shot from down below :)  I should have taken a shot closer to the problem. it is great that most of the lane has been plowed, but it is not so great that the snow and crap that got left in the lane forces a rider out into the traffic lane at the worst possible time (at the bottom of a hill and into the dark of a viaduct).

A lot of peds are using the protected bike lanes on the 18th St bridge. Personally I'm fine with it especially given that it is an extraordinary situation. The lanes there are plenty wide and can accommodate both a bike and a pedestrian. I think it might help build up some good will.


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