Protected Bike Lane Frack-Up: Marshall Boulevard-- ??Resolved??

It looks like striping was completed yesterday for a protected lane on Marshall... at least from the south end of Douglass park to the bend towards 24th street (I personally don't have much use for a bike lane on the boulevard so can't speak to how far it extends either way...).


(11/20/12, 6/14/13-- subject line edited to reflect the current status)

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On Saturday morning I was driving from Douglas Park over to Western following the boulevards and noticed partially completed striping from Douglas Boulevard through the park to Marshall to 24th to California.

I'd like to see one through the park.  Is that in the cards?

Great to hear that project is coming together! By the end of this year, there should be a continuous bikeway along the boulevards from 24th and California to Garfield Park. It will be a mix of protected and buffered bike lanes, and yes, there should be a protected bike lane through Douglas Park on Sacramento. You can find more details on our map here:

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

That's a nice site!

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Great to hear that project is coming together! By the end of this year, there should be a continuous bikeway along the boulevards from 24th and California to Garfield Park. It will be a mix of protected and buffered bike lanes, and yes, there should be a protected bike lane through Douglas Park on Sacramento. You can find more details on our map here:

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

So is there going to be more to it?  Right now it's a buffered parking lane.  The signs even say no parking  7am to 9am on certain days, implying that drivers may park cars there other times (I forget the specific times), and there are no little pictures of bikes.  I care b/c I am one of the ~11 people who will use this every day.

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Great to hear that project is coming together! By the end of this year, there should be a continuous bikeway along the boulevards from 24th and California to Garfield Park. It will be a mix of protected and buffered bike lanes, and yes, there should be a protected bike lane through Douglas Park on Sacramento. You can find more details on our map here:

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

I also noticed there were no bike symbols.  Seemed like the parking signage needed improvement.

Sarah Kaplan said:

So is there going to be more to it?  Right now it's a buffered parking lane.  The signs even say no parking  7am to 9am on certain days, implying that drivers may park cars there other times (I forget the specific times), and there are no little pictures of bikes.  I care b/c I am one of the ~11 people who will use this every day.

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Great to hear that project is coming together! By the end of this year, there should be a continuous bikeway along the boulevards from 24th and California to Garfield Park. It will be a mix of protected and buffered bike lanes, and yes, there should be a protected bike lane through Douglas Park on Sacramento. You can find more details on our map here:

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

It goes through Douglas Park on Sacramento.

Jim said:

I'd like to see one through the park.  Is that in the cards?

I saw the same thing on Saturday afternoon.

h' said:

Cars treating it like a buffered parking lane this evening.

No reason for them to do otherwise.

I can't imagine signage is not planned. 

I wondered about that myself when I was passing through.

h' said:

The allotted car parking space looks like less than half of what's needed for the number of cars parked there overnight (as observed around 1 AM.)  I'm not sure how that's going to work without some sort of change of plans.

I cant see them removing it after installing it

Another round of tickets was issued on Sunday.  The signs still don't match the paint on the road.

Last time this happened, people were yelling at me while I was riding on Marshall, as if it was my fault.  This whole thing sucks, and it's not helping to garner support for cycling at all.

Who can we talk to to get some straight answers about what's going on?

Well, I guess I'm impatient about this "limbo" period.  If they're going to remove the lane, or they're going to finish it, either way, they should just get on with it.  Leaving it half-finished for months and months is BS.

I'm glad that CDOT is being so aggressive about installing this cycling infrastructure, even though it seems heavy-handed, because usually, once the lanes are put in, most of the knee-jerk people who opposed them realize that they're not really so bad.  Unless they do a half-ass job with it and then everyone gets mad.

So while it's nice to see more infrastructure in the city in general, it's frustrating to see project after project finished and touted, while right outside my front door, there's this giant mess.


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