Hmmm...don't know how I feel about this one.



Dodging speeding cars, crazed cabbies, open doors, and eight million cranky pedestrians is all in a day's work for Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the best of New York's agile and aggressive bicycle messengers. It takes a special breed to ride the fixie -- super lightweight, single-gear bikes with no brakes and riders who are equal part skilled cyclists and suicidal nutcases who risk becoming a smear on the pavement every time they head into traffic.

But a guy who's used to putting his life on the line is about to get more than even he is used to when a routine delivery turns into a life or death chase through the streets of Manhattan. When Wilee picks up his last envelope of the day on a premium rush run, he discovers this package is different. This time, someone is actually trying to kill him.

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I've really enjoyed Gordon-Levitt in a lot of stuff recently (watch "Brick" if you haven't) but shots of bikes getting hit by cars make me squirm.

Hey it's the kid from "3rd Rock"...

The "Bunny Hop"(do you still call it that?) was cool.

But she delivered some bike chain justice in return (see 0:40).

Jeremy said:
I've really enjoyed Gordon-Levitt in a lot of stuff recently (watch "Brick" if you haven't) but shots of bikes getting hit by cars make me squirm.
Ya, Brick was good...I always like seeing him do well.

Duppie said:
But she delivered some bike chain justice in return (see 0:40).

Jeremy said:
I've really enjoyed Gordon-Levitt in a lot of stuff recently (watch "Brick" if you haven't) but shots of bikes getting hit by cars make me squirm.
The graphic scenes of bikes getting hit by cars does give me the willies- but I will probably still go and see the movie anyway.

Nice! I would go just for the fact that I used to messenger in downtown.

when this trailer first came out, my friends and i were talking about how this would be better as an eighties movie.


recently, another friend of mine tipped us off to quicksilver (1986) starring kevin bacon as a down and out trader turned messenger...

thought it was worth sharing.

I can't believe I have to wait two months for this junk to come out in theaters. And then you had to remind me about that by posting to this month old thread. (Patiently tapping my toe over here.) 


Quicksilver is a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE movie. Please, no one rent this. All the cool bike stuff can be seen on youtube for free, without having to fast forward through the shitty acting, shittier plot, and moments of veiled racism. 

Also, this quote is hilarious: "It takes a special breed to ride the fixie..."


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