Time for another bumper crop of potholes, and instead of thinking there is one with my name on it, I've decided to name them first. Here's my categories for potholes:

Asphalt Acne: rough, rumbly surface, not too deep, just damn annoying
rip in the space-time continuum (long broken seam)

The Post-Hole: about 10 inches a round, but about 10 feet deep.

Crater Lake: a puddle with a nasty surprise, it may begin with Acne but degrade into Post-Holes or worse.

Humpback Whales: Those odd lumps at bus stops, the wheels create a big swale of pavement.

Broke Bike Mountain: Anytime Streets and San fills a pothole to create a mound.

The Rip in the Space-Time Continuum: long narrow trenches along the seams in the road.

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Little by little, the concrete pads are being installed all over the city.  Yeah!

Barry Niel Stuart said:
One way to get rid of the Humpback Whale is when a street is due for repaving, to install a concrete bus pan at the stop.  Concrete doesn't melt like asphalt when the diesel engine of a bus is sitting over it.  This idea has worked out well in Milwaukee.
There are many unused concrete pads. This happens when the CTA moves a bus stop.

Anne Alt said:
Little by little, the concrete pads are being installed all over the city.  Yeah!


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