I'm hesitant to start a feud with teenagers but here it goes.

Four teenagers walked by my apt near Augusta/ Damen about 45 minutes ago. The one on the blue bmx bike stopped to look at my saddle, when I opened the window to ask him how he was doing he said, "Nice Brooks" then rode off. (He apparently already looked at my wife's bike and took the cover off of her saddle.) So I tracked them - with my helmet cam - to the Damen Blue line stop where three of them with the bike were standing around. Picture to follow soon.

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Instincts/assumptions as to what these kids were intending to do aside, perhaps explaining what motivated you to follow these guys i.e. what you were feeling and why might help Haddon decide to forgive and rejoin humanity.

Eric R said:

Disclaimer appreciated.

As far as I know our Orbs are not connected...

My wife and I spent about 15 minutes discussing whether or not following them was an appropriate response. The decision was to try and find them and get a picture - no confrontation - as someone else mentioned, arguing with teenagers will get a person nowhere. All of this occurred on public property and as you mentioned, I showed restraint and did NOT post images of their faces, but after reading the DNA Info article I question my restraint.

How do things even end up this spun out of sense?

If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and looks like a duck it's probably a duck.

Fact is there is a problem right now with kids nabbing Brooks saddles and other parts off bikes; given that it is not unreasonable to think that a couple of kids scoping your nice parts out pretty close and then beating feet when you say something to them are up to no good. 

Yes, lots of people look at bikes that are locked up; I do it myself but I keep a certain distance.  In my opinion you can tell a lot about people's intent through body language and how they act so I agree with the OP that, given age, circumstances and current trends, those kids could very well be the peopel ripping off bike parts in the area.

Haddon said:

Its not my job to divine some kids motivation, they are not following potentially underage kids taking pictures of their asses and then putting them up online.

People in this thread got to a fully George Zimmerman-ish sounding "I will keep my eye out for these "punks". 

WTF? At that point you should have applied the breaks, or at least when the stolen parts-facebook  "I bet these guys have profiles on there"  got made.

Go sit down and get your story figured (did he apparently or not apparently touch the cover?) out at some point.

They are kids, teenagers?  And there you go following them and photographing them?  What if he was scoping your seat? What then?  You live in one of the largest cites on the planet, take basic precautions. Get a seat lock of one sort or another or bring it inside.  Following kids in some huff and anger that you think are criminals? Are you needing to get into a fist fight?

I wouldn't want to have a conversation either about bike saddles / seats with an old Perv that would later be following kids around and photographing their butts. Is that what turns you on?  As you are reading into their actions just as I am going wildly excessively off of yours. 

The lack of sane judgment I'm seeing here all around is fairly galling. Have some mother fucking grace about it all.

H - still standing by my words.


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