Hey chainlinkers.

We have 3 open positions at Working Bikes.  Here's the information! 

- Cashier- This job is temporary and part-time.  English/Spanish fluency is a must.  Wed + Thurs 12-7pm, Fri + Sat 12-5pm... Sat is negotiable.  The position can end in July or in October depending on candidate and their availability, hour needs.  $10-12/hr. 

- Bike Mechanic- Full-Time preferred, P/T available.  Mechanics set their own schedule between hours of 7am-7pm, Monday through Sat.  Shop experienced required, although exceptions can be made.  Candidates must have knowledge of older bike systems and compatibilities.  Some opportunities available in service department as well, but focus is on refurbishing donated bicycles for sale.  $12-15 Depending on experience.  Benefits (health care copay + paid time off) after 90days. 

-Driver - Driver's license (non-commercial) required as well as an ability to load bikes and scrap metal, sometimes in awkward ways.  Candidates should be prepared to provide an audit of their driving history (available from secretary of state, fee will be reimbursed).  Hours can range from 8-40 a week, depending on candidate's interests and availability.  $11-13/hr.  Benefits (health care copay + paid time off) after 90days. 
All applicants should send a resume with the job position in the subject line to paul@workingbikes.org.

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Hi Paul, do you have any openings for a quick learning / technically-minded apprentice of sorts?  I've been to your shop and like what you guys are about but I do not have any formal experience doing bike repair other than tinkering with my own bikes since I was a kid.  In general I'm a pretty quick study and detail oriented, but I'm not sure if you guys are into bringing in someone "green" :)


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