Somehow, I had never heard about this SoulCycle phenomenon until just today.  I watched a few parodies of it, but I thought the actual promotional videos were even funnier.  It's like some uber-twee New Age exercise bike cult with a big dollop of Richard Simmons, all dandied up with breathy inspirational platitudes.  And very, very spendy, especially when it comes to SoulCycle-branded products.  I can't believe anyone would take it seriously.  Well, actually, this being the modern world, I can.  Am I missing something here in my codgerdom, or are people actually turning into giant hamster-droids?


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It's just the same old 'spinning' classes that have been around in health clubs almost forever but now even more expensive than before because it's trendy/cooler/etc. It's considered to be cardio 'training' not cycling. More fitting to do in colder weather and when you have to budget your workout time. It's great when you also have fun people there to socialize with afterwards. Isn't the joke, "I jumped in my SUV right after work and traffic was so bad, I was too late for my spin class that they wouldn't let me in." . . .

Here's my thought - whatever gets you inspired to exercise can be a good thing. I'd rather be outside but I do spin classes or time on my trainer when the weather is bad. And I feel good for having done it. Yeah, SoulCycle is probably over-branded but whatever floats your boat. :-) Still better than not exercising at all. 

That's how I initially heard about them.  Then on to YouTube, as is often the case.


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