... that it is a simply, plainly, purely magnificent day outside and this morning's was the looooveliest ride I've had to work in quite a while.

I am so thrilled every morning when I wake up and remember that I live and ride bicycles in Chicago and I can't believe I spent so much of my life *not* living here and- even more!- not riding bicycles!

I hope everyone is having a really wonderful day and can take a lunch break outside and soak up some sun and feel very, very content.

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Days like these are what keep me in Chicago. Otherwise, I'd be so bitter about the winter that I'd be out of here in a heartbeat. But the first lovely spring day rolls around and I develop amnesia. This spring has been especially lovely so far.

Shay said:
How much do you want to bet this lovely thread ends in some sort of argument? ;-)
Shay said:
How much do you want to bet this lovely thread ends in some sort of argument? ;-)

No it won't!

Incidentally, I totally agree with the original sentiment, Chicago truly is beautiful in the summer.

Ha... Welcome

With 25 plus years on the Chicago streets I still get that feeling everyday.

Have a good trip home and thank you
I like this and could not agree more <3
Nope, it was not me, but I would have been there with a smile on my face with you peeps.

Scott Hawley said:
Juan you look familiar -were you riding Clark St this morning south to the loop? Rode with someone wearing black and dark green helmet riding a Masi from North Ave til Monroe... we both had headphones on, but exchanged several *havin' way too much fun nods and grins* at lights. Don't you love that bond that develops after just a few miles?

Juan Dominguez said:
Marvelous! Even with mad honking motorists on my back, I laugh it off as I pass them up again and again.
I just went outside and rode around for 10 little minutes and seriously... it felt like that scene in The Grinch where his heart grows three times bigger. Except mine was already bursting at the seams...

love love loooove!
It is a truly nice day outside today. I am glad that I got to hit the lakefront and forget about my worries, if at least for a little while.
Days like today make riding through the winter worth while
Looks like a great day to ride the hell out of a MOOTS.
That's a great idea!!! Im'a go read under a tree :-)
You have the right idea. Since the weather has gotten better my average week day when I have nothing going on has consisted of grabbing food, a book, and the penny farthing. I hit the lake front and ride aimlessly for a few miles. Then find a nice spot by the lake and chill until I figure out the nights plans. It beats the hell out of coming home and chillin on the couch. I almost forget why I live in this city in the winter but get instantly reminded when it warms up.

Glen (FTF) said:
That's a great idea!!! Im'a go read under a tree :-)


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