... that it is a simply, plainly, purely magnificent day outside and this morning's was the looooveliest ride I've had to work in quite a while.

I am so thrilled every morning when I wake up and remember that I live and ride bicycles in Chicago and I can't believe I spent so much of my life *not* living here and- even more!- not riding bicycles!

I hope everyone is having a really wonderful day and can take a lunch break outside and soak up some sun and feel very, very content.

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Well, that's just the nicest thing I've read all week. Thanks for spreading the love!
I think Chicago is the greatest city in the world in the summertime and as much as I bemoan most of the occupants, weekly riding on the LFP is proof, along with the myriad of outdoor festivals every summer weekend. The Chainlink and all the events listed are like icing on that cake and I'm kicking myself I didn't find this site when it formed. Racing season on Lake Michigan is in full swing so between sailing, y'all, Moscow Mules on my deck and the occasional workday to full up my summer schedule, I'm just happy to be ambulatory.

Wish I could ride to my job today but I have to drive and a meander down LSD to the south side ain't so bad.

Nice message, Michelle, cheers!
Yes thanks Michelle, I have the same thoughts every morning riding to work: lucky to be in Chicago, lucky to be biking, lucky to love my work, and just plain lucky to be alive!!

I usually do get outside for lunch -in fact if anyone is nearby the Loop and wants to meet up for a quick bite, or just to sit and people watch, let me know! I have a couple great spots that don't get too crowded..
Well said Craig -we do live in the best city! I can't believe I wasn't aware of the chainlink either until this past winter.. but its nice making up for lost time meeting everyone on here :) and I'm looking forward to an awesome summer of lots of group rides and activities!

Craig S. said:
I think Chicago is the greatest city in the world in the summertime and as much as I bemoan most of the occupants, weekly riding on the LFP is proof, along with the myriad of outdoor festivals every summer weekend. The Chainlink and all the events listed are like icing on that cake and I'm kicking myself I didn't find this site when it formed. Racing season on Lake Michigan is in full swing so between sailing, y'all, Moscow Mules on my deck and the occasional workday to full up my summer schedule, I'm just happy to be ambulatory.

Wish I could ride to my job today but I have to drive and a meander down LSD to the south side ain't so bad.

Nice message, Michelle, cheers!
AAAHHHH, positivity. Thanks Michelle!
Marvelous! Even with mad honking motorists on my back, I laugh it off as I pass them up again and again.
How much do you want to bet this lovely thread ends in some sort of argument? ;-)
:) x 1000

I really just... *happy sigh*.
hahaha! only time will tell......

Shay said:
How much do you want to bet this lovely thread ends in some sort of argument? ;-)
Michelle Green

That is the most spectacularly colorful photos of Chicago that I have ever seen.
How did you get it?
the interwebz :)

rik said:
Michelle Green

That is the most spectacularly colorful photos of Chicago that I have ever seen.
How did you get it?
Juan you look familiar -were you riding Clark St this morning south to the loop? Rode with someone wearing black and dark green helmet riding a Masi from North Ave til Monroe... we both had headphones on, but exchanged several *havin' way too much fun nods and grins* at lights. Don't you love that bond that develops after just a few miles?

Juan Dominguez said:
Marvelous! Even with mad honking motorists on my back, I laugh it off as I pass them up again and again.


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